Based on your assigned reading for this module, think about a time as an adult when you have faced either an ethical dilemma or an ethical tragedy and how you communicated. Describe the ethical issue and the stakeholders involved.

COMM335: ETHICS IN COMMUNICATION AUG2020 300… > Discussions > M2D1: Applying the Steps in Ethical Reasoning
FALL 1- 8 WEEK 2020
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This is a graded discussion: 100 points
M2D1: Applying the Steps in Ethical Reasoning
The purpose of this apply the five steps of ethical reasoning in a communication setting and to discuss your proposed topic for your course paper. This activity aligns with module outcomes land
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Answer one of the following discussion questions below.
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due Sep 13

1. Based on your assigned reading for this module, think about a time as an adult when you have faced either an ethical dilemma or an ethical tragedy and how you communicated. Describe the ethical issue and the stakeholders involved. Describe the outcome and your assessment of how you communicated. Upon reflection, how might you have applied the five steps of ethical reasoning in your