Develop a research question on a focused topic and identify sources. Write an explanation of the process of locating sources.

At this time I am tasked to complete part one of a three part assignment. Developing a theme: I have though about developing a question as it applies to the theme of: Origins of the European Union. I will leave it up to you the writer to develop a question question for the assignment as […]

What are some of the most important indicators that an item should be dropped from a test? Identify characteristics of a test item that would indicate that it should be dropped from a test.

What are some of the most important indicators that an item should be dropped from a test? Identify characteristics of a test item that would indicate that it should be dropped from a test. Explain the consequences if a test developer did not identify how well each item in a test was functioning both quantitatively […]

Demonstrate the role of the global citizen by designing care for individuals, groups, and communities by incorporating methods of health promotion and education.

Capstone Project Projected Project Proposal Submission Description:The baccalaureate graduate will participate in quality initiatives, recognizing that these are complex system issues, involving other members of the healthcare team. Course Competency(ies):3) Demonstrate leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams within healthcare organizations. 4) Demonstrate the role of the global citizen by designing care for individuals, groups, and communities […]

Illustrate how the critical views of either Susan L. Meyer or Katherine Linehan are relevant to your discussion.

Consider the validity of this statement by comparing Jane Eyre with The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Be sure to provide good evidence from both novels and explain how it supports your argument. You must also briefly illustrate how the critical views of either Susan L. Meyer or Katherine Linehan are relevant […]

Discuss recent findings that have advanced our knowledge of how it might be possible to restore hearing after damage.

List the three main functions of the cochlea, describing the anatomical and physiological basis of all three of those functions with the help of illustrations. Discuss recent findings that have advanced our knowledge of how it might be possible to restore hearing after damage.

Select three advertisements from three different countries using traditional advertising venues and Internet advertising venues. Assess how culture and ethics influence understanding the ad from each country.

Select three advertisements from three different countries using traditional advertising venues and Internet advertising venues. Assess how culture and ethics influence understanding the ad from each country. Incorporate concepts and examples

Identify ad describe the health and safety legislation pertinent to a child care setting

Write about the following: 2.1 – Identify ad describe the health and safety legislation pertinent to a child care setting 2.2 – Explain the differences between a hazard and a risk 2.3 – Explain how food should be stored to avoid cross contamination 2.4 – Outline the basic procedure when carrying out CPR

Why is there a gender gap in Mathematics in schools in the UK? What are the effective responses to this gap?

Why is there a gender gap in Mathematics in schools in the UK? What are the effective responses to this gap? Introduction – Literature Review Strategy Gender gap in Mathematics (at what age level?) is a topic that interested many researchers and educationalists for a long time, each of them approaching it from different perspectives. […]

Evaluate the impact that this document may have on historians trying to relay the challenges/success people faced during the historical period?

You will also write a reaction paper to the news article on the Triangle Fire no less than 500 words. *Note: be sure to discuss the why this is a primary source, what happened, why did it happen and what was the result and the lasting effect on the United States. Evaluate the impact that […]

Give a synopsis of the article, and give your opinion about the article (one paragraph). You should also include a working link to the article and any references that you use.

Go to the web and find an article about a law suit that deals with business ethics. Give a synopsis (at least 2 paragraphs) of the article, and give your opinion about the article (one paragraph). You should also include a working link to the article and any references that you use.