How could the plan be managed to ensure that resources were not wasted?

For this assessment you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment. As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders and leadership about projects that […]

What is (are) the most likely diagnosis (diagnoses)-What were the clinical findings that confirmed the diagnosis (diagnoses)?

Week 10 discussion This week, complete the Aquifer case titled Internal Medicine 14: 18-year-old female for pre-college physical. To support your work, use your course textbook readings and the South University Online Library. Apply information from the Aquifer case study to answer the following questions: What is (are) the most likely diagnosis (diagnoses)? What were […]

How do the concepts of Government and Politics (Chapter 17) relate to your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences)

Topic is families / family structure 1. Keeping with the same topic you chose in Writing Assignment 1; how do the concepts of gender and sexualities (Chapter 12) relate to or affect your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences) 2. How do the concepts of Government and Politics (Chapter 17) relate to your topic? Why? (3-4 sentences) […]

Rank which job would devote the most of its time to conceptual, human, and technical skills.

Week 2 PB Question 2 Here are three job titles. Rank which job would devote the most of its time to conceptual, human, and technical skills. (a) Vice president of finance at a Fortune 100 company (b) Coding for a video game producer (c) General manager at a local McDonald’s franchise Bright, D., & Cortes, […]

Write a paragraph and discuss one thing you have learned from each video (so that’s three things total).

Budgeting In this activity we will explore budgeting basics. Developing a budget in college is an important part to achieving financial success. As a college student, you typically don’t earn as much income as you will after you graduate college and land a job in the workforce. However, the financial habits you create in college […]

Write a paragraph comprised of the following

Write a paragraph comprised of the following: 3 pieces of information about the Civil Rights period from Dr. Wright, 2 questions/wonders you have about Dr. Wright’s work during the Civil Rights period, and 1 action that you will take to as a futureeducstorto ensure that students and others never experience what Dr. Wright and many […]

What information did you pick up on that you may have ignored if you were using your sense of vision?

Writing Question In our reading this week, we learned about the processes of sensation and perception. Although they are two different processes, one often has an impact on the other. Some individuals aren’t aware of how much they rely on vision or hearing in their everyday lives, versus others who have vision or hearing impairments […]

Where is the organization complying with its stated goals to move the organization toward its mission?

7-2 Milestone four: Performance Report Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: IV. Performance Report: In this section, you will develop recommendations to improve the performance of the organization, basing your recommendations on evidence from your performance assessment. A. Determine where the organization is in compliance with its organizational mission. Substantiate your findings with […]

What is the intellectual history that helped generate this theory/paradigm?

Criminological Theory Executive Summary IV: Differential Association and Social Learning Theories of Crime Instructions: Drawing on readings from the Differential Association/Social Learning section of the course, students are to submit a critical summary of this paradigm. Students are firmly expected to incorporate all of the assigned readings into their summaries, as they were included as […]