What Person-Centered Therapy techniques did you see Carl Rogers use in the video-Define and discuss at least 3 techniques from your assigned readings?

Part 1 After watching the counseling video on YouTube, provide detailed answers to the following questions. All reading assessments must be no less than 2 pages in length. Be sure to include an APA-style cover page, in-text citations, and reference page with 2-3 resources. What are the primary behavioral/emotional concerns that were being communicated by […]

Identify any states with shift/reduce conflicts in your automaton.

Computer Construction Use any resources you can, the recitation lecture slides, asking each other, and Piazza. Start early, and when the deadline approaches, submit what you have got, no matter how finished. Remember to cite your sources and collaboration partners wherever they have influenced your work. 1 Bottom/up parsing tables Consider the following grammar: E […]

How can you help this couple if they experience a negative outcome in the birthing suite?

Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease Case Study Module 8 Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Provide evidence-based rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed. CASE STUDY: Active Labor: Susan Wong Mrs. Wong, a first-time mother, is admitted to the birthing suite in early labor after spontaneous rupture […]

How have the articles that you collected define the terms for your topic of interest?

Measurement Read Chapter 4 class materials before submitting your response (it will show in your answer if you did not read the material). Answer these two questions thoroughly. Check the Operational Definitions section of your book. https://kpu.pressbooks.pub/psychmethods4e/chapter/understanding-psychological-measurement/ An Operational Definition is a definition of a variable in terms of precisely how it is to be […]

Have you provided the reader with enough background information? 

Question As you write your essay, refer to this checklist: Does the essay develop an argumentative thesis? Have you considered the opinions, attitudes and values of the audience? Have you identified and refuted opposing arguments? Have you established your credibility? Have you been fair? Have you provided the reader with enough background information? Have you […]

Provide an explanation (in complete sentences) of why the newly chosen answer is correct.

Intro to biology  Learning Assessments 2 Corrections Assignment .docx 1. Review your Learning Assessment 2 and identify the questions you answered incorrectly. 2. Using the textbook linked in blackboard locate the correct answers to all your missed questions. 3. Provide an explanation (in complete sentences) of why the newly chosen answer is correct. 4. You […]

What ways is the business model transformed by this product or service in that industry?

Discussion 4 Read the article below, and in particular watch the interview of Prof. Clayton Christensen, who talks about disruptive innovation, and how reinventing the business model can be path to such innovation. https://hbr.org/2008/12/reinventing-your-business-model Then provide some examples of disruptive innovations that you may have consumed or experienced or purchased, or that you know about. […]

Briefly describe two novel contributions of this study, according to the authors.

Question Abstract Based on your reading of the abstract, what is the main take-away point of this article? Introduction In 2-3 sentences, summarize what the introduction indicates about what past research has found, and what is a weakness in what has been found. What was the goal of the current study? Method: Answer each question […]

What are the dangers of such a coping mechanism-What would the dangers be in not having any such coping mechanisms?

Question To what extent is allowing our emotions to interfere with our rational judgment dangerous? How should we properly balance the emotional and rational aspects of our selves? Follow-up questions Should we distinguish between emotions felt by individuals and emotions that take over a group? Is the latter more dangerous? Do emotions act as a […]

How can you tie the concept in the video (understanding our finite existence) with the chapter on substance use and abuse.

Health education questions Watch this 3 minute video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOksW_NabEk Links to an external site. Make a post that answers the following questions: a.) What will you do with the time you have left? b.) How can you tie the concept in the video (understanding our finite existence) with the chapter on substance use and abuse. […]