Explain how the works of Garvey and du Bois created the foundation of the modern American Civil Rights movement.

Explain how the works of Garvey and du Bois created the foundation of the modern American Civil Rights movement. Use quotes from both of these author’s works to support your analysis. Garvey’s ideas, at the time, were popular but also very controversial and many writers of the era disagreed with him. Why might writers such […]

What are the appropriate treatments for common papulosquamous eruptions? Why?

Clinical Case Scenario: A 7-month-old boy presents with an erythematous, confluent, slightly raised, and scaly rash on his cheeks; and his extremities are also covered with a fine papular rash. The infant has had some scaling behind the ears and on the scalp since early infancy, but the symptoms have recently increased. The mother applies […]

What is the p value, and what does it mean to be statistically significant?

You have been asked to prepare a presentation for your local middle school civics class. The students have been seeing and hearing information online about statistics and statistical significance leading up to the presidential election. They are confused about what exactly that means. Prepare a short presentation that explains some foundational aspects of hypothesis testing […]

Why do they think that they deserve to be privileged and treated differently than people of color, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, among other cultural groups in living in the U.S? Explain

Unit 4 Questions – EDU 130 1. https://www.oercommons.org/authoring/15722-sociology-live/6/view 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swDQiUwmezg After watching both videos answer the questions below and use the videos to answer the questions for this assignment. Answer the 6 questions explicitly as you can. Questions to answer : 1. How does the video define “white privilege”? 2. Explain, how “white” people are […]

How will your choices better aid leadership in making their decision?

contract with to offer insurance to the employees. You are in charge of creating the plan for collecting the data that will be used for a statistical test to help the organization make that decision. You have been asked to present your plan and inform stakeholders about the risks you are trying to avoid so […]

What were the three major points you learned and why did those points resonate with you? Explain.

(p.130), Good Food Case, and Old Housekeeper Case (Home/Week 7/Canvas) and answer on the following questions for EACH case: What are the symptoms indicating on the case problem(s)? What is the root of the problem? What is your recommended solution? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the solution strategy? Read “How Chipotle CEO Brian […]

How the following state laws and policies have affected language acquisition methodology, student grouping, and the time frame to achieve language proficiency

Legislative Events and Issues Assessment Description Having a historical perspective of the court cases, laws, and mandates that have shaped English language instruction policy enables teachers to understand the necessity for addressing the learning needs of English language learners (ELLs). Complete the “Legislative Events and Issues” template (150-200 words per section) to explain each of […]

What is the gap in the previous literature that this study is seeking to elucidate?

CLOSE READING Find one empirical research article, or a literature review on a subject of interest. The article should have been published within 5-10 years ago. Read it in depth. Print it out and annotate it in the margins. Your annotations should include 1) the main ideas in your own words; 2) A statement about […]

Which do you think are the most important for keeping Kickstarter’s workforce engaged?

Read HR IN SMALL BUSINESS – WHY KICKSTARTER KICKED OUT UNLIMITED VACATION on page 463 in your textbook. Of the employee benefits mentioned in this case, which do you think are the most important for keeping Kickstarter’s workforce engaged? If you were responsible for human resource management at a start-up company such as Kickstarter, would […]

How does the episode relate to what you have read in your texts and what we have discussed in class?

The assignment requirements are (You have watched two episodes of High on Hog. The filmmaker is taking you on a journey with Soul Food In your response , choose 1 episode and How does the episode relate to what you have read in your texts and what we have discussed in class? How does it […]