Write a three-page paper describing the music elements and emotional content of one or more pieces including citations at the bottom of each one.

Attend a live professional concert, recital, musical, opera, or special music event and write a one-page report on two pieces from that Program. These will need to include screenshot of the program to qualify. Take a screenshot of the front and inside list of all music being performed. These include any recital, concert, opera, musical […]

How would each of these STDs be transmitted, what are the primary signs and symptoms of each, and what medication treatment options are available?

STD 101 Directions: You are an Infection Control Practitioner (ICP) for your county’s Public Health clinic. You have been invited to speak to a group of registered nurses who work in the public school system and a county-led group home. Your job is to provide education about common STDs and STIs with a focus on […]

What does it mean to love someone as yourself in regard to how a psychology professional would make decisions about testing and assessment for that person?

Matters of ethical consideration and faith-based application can be aligned through many of the teachings of Jesus. The Gospels of Jesus have been used and consulted in many ways throughout recorded history. In this course, the consultation of Jesus’ teaching will be centered on how psychology professionals can treat others with dignity, compassion, and sensitivity […]

Which cloud computing benefit do you feel is the most important and why?

Database Exercise What is meant by the term ‘client-server architecture’ and what are the advantages of this approach? Compare the client-server architecture with two other architectures. Include a description of the 3 service models defined by NIST. Which cloud computing benefit do you feel is the most important and why? Which cloud computing risk do […]

Should this CPA’s professional license be suspended or revoked?

Answer the following questions using your own words. According to police reports, a Gainesville, Florida, CPA was arrested for engaging in sexual assault. This story generated substantial publicity , especially in northern Florida . Despite the heinous nature of these crimes, there is no evidence whatsoever that the tax accounting services performed by him or […]

How would you describe the “work” of Buddhist monks?

https://youtu.be/CRdrTOaMP3w https://youtu.be/u-cNrtW9Ndo FIRST: Watch the two videos posted under the title “ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING.” How would you describe the “work” of Buddhist monks? How do they interact with the community of believers? (1-2 paragraphs, 10 points) SECOND: Identify something in the videos pertaining to the monks lives and practice that you are curious about. Do some […]

Discuss any challenges there may be in combining these two different cultural approaches to treatment that have a very different level of reliance on scientific research and technology.

Science meets real life Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to the westernized high-tech research approach to medical treatment. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage to using traditional medicine as an approach to medical treatment. Are there benefits to having multicultural approaches to medical treatment? Explain your answer. Could these two cultural approaches both be […]