Which of the following are coefficients you could use in a balanced equation?

Balancing Chemical Equations Load the simulation Balancing Chemical Equations http://phet.colorado.edu/en/simulation/balancing-chemical-equations Critical Thinking Questions Explore the Balancing Chemical Equations simulation. What are the different ways that the simulation indicates when an equation is balanced? For each balanced reaction, indicate the total number of molecules in the table below. Reaction Total Number of Molecules   Reactant Side […]

What is the importance of having a trusted view of the data?

Coca Cola Company Why does the Coca-Cola Company have petabytes of data? Why is it important for Coca-Cola to be able to process POS data in near real time? How does Coca-Cola attempt to create favorable customer experiences? What is the importance of having a trusted view of the data? What is the benefit of […]

How can cloud computing solve the problems of managing software licenses?

Data Centers and Cloud Computing What is a data center? What is the difference between on-premises data centers and cloud computing? What is an SDDC? What are the advantages of using an SDDC? How can cloud computing solve the problems of managing software licenses? What factors should be considered when selecting a cloud vendor or […]

What three factors are driving collaboration and information sharing?

What is information management? What is the “silo effect” and how does it affect business performance? What three factors are driving collaboration and information sharing? What are the business benefits of information management? Explain why it is important to develop an effective data governance program? Explain the purposes of master data management. Why has interest […]

Describe the differences between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.

Name the six components of an IS. Describe the differences between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. Define TPS and give an example. Explain why TPSs need to process incoming data before they are stored. Define MIS and DSS and give an example of each. What characteristic distinguishes a DSS from an MIS? What level of […]

What benefits did MEDIATA achieve as a result of implementing data governance?

\Information Systems, IT Architecture, Data Governance, and Cloud Computing What business challenges did MEDIATA face because of its dirty data? What is the function of location-based advertising? Why is it important to maintain accurate location data? How did Sky hook and data governance enable MEDIATA to achieve its vision? What benefits did MEDIATA achieve as […]

How effective is each use of digital technology to keeping you a loyal customer?

Why are businesses experiencing a digital transformation? More data are collected in a day now than existed in the world 10 years ago. What factors have contributed to this volume of data? Assume you had no smartphone, other mobile device, or mobile apps to use for 24 hours. How would that mobile blackout disrupt your […]

What factors does Zulpo take into consideration when he’s evaluating job applicants?

IT career What types of IT career have the most potential in the current hiring market? What factors does Zulpo take into consideration when he’s evaluating job applicants? Why is IT a major enabler of business performance and success? Explain why it is beneficial to be an informed user of IT. Do you think IT […]

Why have mobile devices given consumers more power in the marketplace?

What are the benefits of cloud computing? What is M2M technology? Give an example of a business process that could be automated with M2M. Describe the relationships in the SMAC model. What impacts is the SMAC model having on business? Why have mobile devices given consumers more power in the marketplace? Explain why connectivity is […]