Explain how bootstrapping can help a small business avoid a cash crunch.

Understand the importance of preparing a financial plan. Describe how to prepare financial statements and use them to manage the small business Create projected financial statements. Understand the basic financial statements through ratio analysis. Explain how to interpret financial ratios Conduct a break-even analysis for a small company. Explain the importance of cash management to […]

Explain why a researcher might choose to conduct correlational research rather than experimental research or another type of non experimental research.

Correlational Research Define correlational research and give several examples. Explain why a researcher might choose to conduct correlational research rather than experimental research or another type of non experimental research. Interpret the strength and direction of different correlation coefficients. Explain why correlation does not imply causation  

Discuss at least three Enlightenment principles and apply these ideas to issues that our society is facing today.

Lit Assignment 5 Discuss at least three Enlightenment principles and apply these ideas to issues that our society is facing today. Are we still in the Enlightenment? Have we wandered away from Enlightenment ideals? How or why? Click on the following link, read and watch the video https://sullivan-county.com/deism/eng_rat.htm Also use the information in the attached […]

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of self-regulation in the accounting profession as a result of the historical events you described.

Visit the Library (access in the course home area) to research the accounting system of self-regulation. Describe at least one major historical event in the business world that occurred in the past 20 years and discuss how this affected today’s accounting system of self-regulation. Describe the legislation that altered the self-regulation process of the accounting […]

What did you finding interesting or discover about your community that you may not have known prior to the assessment activities?

Describe which assessment activities list in the overview section of this module that you incorporated or utilized this week to further develop your community assessment and why you selected those activities over others that you may not have utilized. What did you finding interesting or discover about your community that you may not have known […]