What is the motivation behind you are taking this class?

Each one of us arrives here (in this Ethnic Studies/History 107 course) with different journeys, goals, support systems (family) and from a diverse number of racial and ethnic backgrounds, so in order for us to begin to create community, we need to get to know each other and that means sharing about ourselves. Provide your […]

How does this text use multimodal features to explore a global issue, the vulnerability of people in times of crisis

Write a detailed analysis of an advertisement by UNHCR ‘Dilemma campaign’ it needs to include: – intro, 3 topic statement and 3 paragraphs for each topic statement – how does language, text, other devices exploring the global issue – use cinematic techniques Write an analysis of the UNHCR ‘dilemma campaign’ that responds to the question: […]

What communication channel would you choose and why?

Assignment Question(s): Part 1 (10 Marks) Find a job announcement for a position of interest to you and answer the following: Group and categorize the key abilities and attributes that are being sought. (4 Marks) Create either a chronological or functional résumé. (5 Marks) Explain why you selected this type of résumé. . (1 Mark) […]

What, if anything, should residents in high-income countries do about the rise in smoking in emerging markets?

Global Marketing in Digital Era Discussion 4 As per the discussion in the textbook, smoking is on the decline in high-income countries where the combination of longer life expectancy, education, income, and legal action has created a powerful anti-smoking campaign. Global tobacco companies are shifting their focus from high income to emerging markets where the […]

Identify what you consider to be 4 key areas of knowledge that are very important for a salesperson to be well-informed about.

Marketing Assignment 1. A salesperson cannot succeed without a strong supporting cast. Identify 4 key positions in a business that do not involve making a sale yet have a major impact on sales success. In each case explain how the position supports sales 2. Identify and explain 4 types of non-verbal communication and give an […]

Describe the formative assessment for the activity and how the results would alter the learning activities.

Competency Based Activity Design Learning activities (3-4) that differentiate and scaffold learning, include technology, and align to CBE concepts. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency: Apply competencies, outcomes, and standards to curriculum development. Design learning activities that […]

Identify and explain the company’s competitive advantage

Assignment 2: For the specific company of your choice: Identify and describe the company’s “environment” (e.g., their internal, external, and customer environments) Identify and explain the company’s competitive advantage Describe the influence of the company’s competitive advantage on the behavior of the buyers of the company’s offerings.

Explore the impact of sociocultural, economic, legal, and political factors influencing patient care quality, workplace safety, and the scope of nursing and other health professionals’ practice.

Creating Assessments Select 2 student learning objectives from the list below: 1: Demonstrate skills in using patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe, effective nursing practice. 2: Explore the impact of sociocultural, economic, legal, and political factors influencing patient care quality, workplace safety, and the scope of nursing and other health […]

What would your independent variable be-This means how would you divide your subjects into groups?

Discussion  Research method Below you will find three research questions. Your task is to choose ONE question. Come up with an idea of how you would run an experimental study to find an answer to one of these questions. Address who your subjects will be. How many subjects would you have? What would your independent […]

What roles are played by the female characters in Homer’s Odyssey?

Compare and contrast Odysseus and Iron Man What roles are played by the female characters in Homer’sOdyssey? Describe two female characters including their traits and roles they played in your explanation of the overallportrayal of women. Be sure to consider the selections of theepic that had male characters as protagonists