Write a summary of the content including 3 major ideas, what you learned, what was surprising and how you can use the information provided in the future.

Examining social equity in infrastructure Watch the video discussion “Examining social equity in infrastructure” from the American Society of Civil Engineering. In this episode of ASCE Interchange, Maya Trotz, professor of civil and environmental engineering at the University of South Florida, examines social equity in infrastructure. Write a summary of the content including 3 major […]

Read the article Integrating community gardens into public parks.

Intergrating Community Gardens Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience reading scholarly, peer reviewed articles. This type of source is common in academic reading and writing and, eventually, you will be locating and reading many of these in your own research. Objective For this assignment, you will gain practice reading, understanding, and […]

What is the fundamental difference between “sustainable” and “resilient” architecture?

According to Phu Hoang, what is the fundamental difference between “sustainable” and “resilient” architecture? Which would you advocate for? Choose two contemporary architectural projects (of the last 10 years): one that you think exemplies “sustainablity” and one that exemplifies “resiliency.” Argue on behalf of one over the other using one of the readings as your […]

Write a one-to-two page response that summarizes the main points of the readings and demonstrates your understanding of what cities are and how urbanization, or civilization (the art of living in towns) developed.

Architectural historian Spiro Kostof wrote extensively about the growth of cities. Read Kostof’s pieces “What is a city” and the chapter “The rise of the city: architecture in West Asia.” Write a one-to-two page response that summarizes the main points of the readings and demonstrates your understanding of what cities are and how urbanization, or […]

Describe how you see this TED Talk making a productive contribution to the topic of architecture

Essay 2 1. Essay must be 500 words 2. Describe how you see this TED Talk making a productive contribution to the topic of architecture 3. link to the TED talk : https://www.ted.com/talks/marc_kushner_why_the_buildings_of_the_future_will_be_shaped_by_you?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

Do you believe there is a need for government to place more restrictions on alcohol advertising?

Read the material regarding the history and regulation of alcohol advertising found on pp. 538–548 of the text. Also read the article, Diageo; Study Finds Self-Regulation of Alcohol Advertising Is Working, and watch this Milton Freidman interview: Milton Friedman-Regulation in a Free Society. In your post, consider the following questions: Were Spyke and Wide-Eye bad […]

Describe the relationship between the Owner, Architect and Contractor Groups and what was effective and what was disruptive and not helpful.

High Rise Book Review from the book HIGH RISE by JERRY ADLER. Review must cover the following: Address the below topics related to the content of your book. You can also support your report with other research. The Architect selection process; how it was conceived and implemented; who were the influencers and what expectations did […]

What conclusions can be drawn regarding the social context of the patrons?

Hotel de Soubise vs Hotel de Sully Compare two hôtels particuliers in the city of Paris, France. How do these structures reflect contemporary taste and the style of the period? What conclusions can be drawn regarding the social context of the patrons? Comment on the relationship between the exterior facade and the courtyard, and the […]