Discuss the designer’s approach to integrating furniture objects and built-in elements, including lighting, shelving, storage, seating, etc

Research Paper: Research the house The Villa Savoye and designer Le Corbusier. prepare a written description of the house. Include a history and description of the house, the designer’s history and philosophy, the influences on and of the house, and your own critical observations. If you use a direct quote, cite your source. Also discuss […]

Do they paint the same picture of the state’s demographic trajectory? If not, what might be some of the reasons for different takeaways from the two datasets?

Methods of Planning Analysis Before next week’s class, read the following articles/book chapters, and answer the questions below: Berke, Philip R. et al. Urban Land Use Planning, Fifth Edition. University of Illinois Press, 2006. “Chapter 5: Population and Economy”Actions (117-146) (Uploaded file) Evans, Tim. “New Jersey Losing Population for the First Time in Four Decades.” […]

What definition is the most appropriate when we look at the context of urban destinations?

During this synchronous distance learning session we are going to be covering the following: Introduction to the module, its organisation and content. Overview of expectations and outcomes Clarification of concepts: What is the definition of resilience? What are the different dimensions of resilience? What definition is the most appropriate when we look at the context […]

Briefly discuss how their architecture and city planning emphasize the most important aspects of their culture.

Essay Write a short 2-3 paragraph essay. Architecture and urban planning are intrinsically linked and since cultures began developing there has been a desire to use architecture and the “ideal city” to convey and express what aspects of their culture are most important. Choose two different cultures and briefly discuss how their architecture and city […]

How does the 15-minute city concept impact planning strategies for green infrastructure amid urban densification?

Planning for green qualities in the urban densification Case Study – Nordhavn – Sustainable city of the future National spatial planning strategies Local planning strategies 6 pages for the chapter 4. Case Study – Nordhavn – Sustainable city of the future National spatial planning strategies (Denmark) Local planning strategies (Nordhavn) Project`s research questions: What is […]

What are the benefits of implementing lean-agile management methods to CPM?

Agile and lean approaches to construction project management This topic aims to study and analyze the existing research available on the application of agile techniques in construction project management and explore the possible answers to the questions: • What are the benefits of implementing lean and agile management methods to CPM? • Is there a […]

What are your long-term career goals? In following the completion of your graduate degree in planning, what kinds of work-professional activities would you like to engage?

Statement of Purpose Style needs to be 3 pages, and double spaced This paper is a statement of purpose for admissions into the University of California, Berkeley. a.Discuss (with clarity and focus) why you want to study urban planning, why you want to study at UC Berkeley, and how our program can help you achieve […]