Write about how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water.

LA River Flood and how to control it Write about how to control water flow rate at LA River near south gate park by naturalize LA River into smaller body water. How landscape and ecology changing between Flood and Dry season by using Architecture method. What activities could happen on Flood and Dry season.   […]

What are the mandatory supporting documents that will be required for the Dental Surgery planning application ?

HNC – Construction & The Built Environment – Unit 5 Legal & Statutory Responsibilities in Construction Section 1: Client questions: Using the internal room dimensions shown above calculate the total internal floor area of the proposed building. Looking at the building type and size, what type of planning consent is required for the Pets Grooming […]

What are the precedents for your ideas-Are they historically informed? Have there been previous attempts to bring about change?

The assignment should address the following issues. • What are the ideas and themes informing your project? • What are the critical problems that you desire to change? • Who are you addressing? Who is your audience? This will inform your presentation format. • What is your design concept? Are you staging a resistance? Writing […]

Does the author discuss any limitation to this study or procedure (if so, explain)?;

Article Summary Guide for URPN 360.500 1. A proper heading 2. Full citation for the article 3. The problem, question, or central focus of the article; 4. The main source of the data for the article – the sampling procedure (i.e., interviews, survey, existing literature, laboratory, or field research, etc.; 5. The key findings of […]

Describe the advantages of using block libraries and how they can enhance templates

AutoCAD The report should highlight the advantages of using autocad blocks and the advantage of creating block libraries within templates, as well as the process of extracting attribute data to create a data spreadsheet and a validation of how the use of attribute data and it’s electronic transfer ( with examples) improves productivity. The report […]

Examining why green growth is important and how it can be defined in an urban context,Focuses on policies and tools that enable the transition to green growth in cities.

Planning for green qualities in the urban densification Provision of urban green space in compact city environments and during densification processes is described as a major challenge. It identifies problems, challenges and strategies of urban green space planning during densification processes. The project explores the implications of urban densification, on a place-based study . ( […]

what is the argument or reasoning to advance the central idea?-Towards Critical Regionalism

Towards Critical Regionalism The assignment is to read through the attached pdf and write a creative summary that would answer 4 questions in a form of an essay: 1) in what context was the text written 2)for which theoretical purposes was it written (i.e., what central idea or topic was advanced) 3) what is the […]

Discuss the advantages and benefits of using this method, its origins, who has used it, how and to what ends.

Description The Essay Book is to be an analysis of the Research and Design Methods from the lectures and reading seminar workshops, a developed physical essay series, where you select 5 methods from the lectures to study and research in further detail. The book will be a physical artefact and you will make a 3 […]

Give an overview of each “survey”, and diagnosis, prognosis and remedial recommendations for each of the 3 defects with regard to the RICS Building Pathology competency at Level 3 (Giving Client Advice).

Description You are required to produce an A4 portfolio containing work you have observed, which specifically includes: A. An annotated photographic schedule and hand sketches of 3 types of ‘Structural’ and/ or “Fabric” defects (i.e. not services etc). Defects addressed should be those observed during your own inspections of selected buildings. Other useful information MUST […]