CSE STYLE FORMAT Describe how basic chemistry concepts, including those of carbon, relate to biology. Your essay should focus on describing how carbon, ions, isotopes, and the four types of bonds are related to, or important to, biology. The four bonds are Covalent, Ionic, Hydrogen and Van Der Waals Interactions.
Category Archives: Biology
What treatments or other options does Shanice have to counteract the natural killer cell deficiency?
Natural Killer Cell Deficiency Shanice was a vibrant 16-year-old who was enjoying her high school years. As a good student, she loved attending school and woke every morning eager to start the day. A popular girl, she was surrounded by many friends who all enjoyed each other’s company. From an early age, Shanice had been […]
How can herd immunity prevent the spread of viruses within a human population?
COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Using your textbook and the resources listed below, answer the following questions regarding COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Centers for Disease Control: COVID-19 World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic In addition to the links provided(I provided links at bottom of paper details), include at least two additional sources, one of which must be […]
Describe in vitro compartmentalisation used in directed evolution experiments-What are the advantages of using this technique over in vivo experiments?
Advanced Biotechnology Instructions – Maximum of 500 words for each question – write a well-structured answer in a series of paragraphs answering points asked in the question. The answer should correctly use the appropriate terminology and referencing. – When you address the question, you should interpret and discuss the data provided. – You should also […]
What is its cause, how does it manifests, prevalence, risk factors, prevention, treatment etc.
Topic: Eczema What is its cause, how does it manifests, prevalence, risk factors, prevention, treatment etc. Provide 2 peer-reviewed references or reputable websites.
Explain the main reason(s) why these are the three factors that you feel need to be considered.
Read all the instructions very carefully: Part 1: Hypothesis/Answer (150 characters) List the three ‘factors’ you think need to be considered in the analysis based on the initial set of data in order to improve this organization’s ability to study how pollution influences the development of allergic diseases, such as asthma. Part 2: Main Reason(s) […]
Describe an example of how E. coli could be used as a biosensor-Discuss what the molecule would be that the E. coli is sensing-how the bacteria would respond after binding to the molecule.
Microbial Case Study Review the Naurú Idalia and Bernardo article in the Study Materials and respond to the following questions regarding E. coli. All sources must be cited in APA Style. Your response should total at least 500 words in length. 1. Discuss one important discovery that has involved the use of E. coli. 2. […]
Describe some of the reasons why there are so few drugs to treat viral infections.
Viral Infections Describe some of the reasons why there are so few drugs to treat viral infections. Look up a drug that is used to treat viral infections and describe its mechanism of action. Which unique feature of viruses does this drug target?
What experiences do you hope to have that will enlarge your understanding of the cultural richness of America-the world?
UB Honors scholars are characterized by intellectual curiosity, a broad range of interests, and a commitment to a diverse and inclusive society. What experiences have helped to broaden your perspectives academically, socially and culturally? What experiences do you hope to have that will enlarge your understanding of the cultural richness of America and the world?Be […]
What would happen to the chloroplasts if you resuspended them in water instead of in suspension buffer?
Chloroplast What would happen to the chloroplasts if you resuspended them in water instead of in suspension buffer? Would the amount of chlorophyll be affected by resuspending the chloroplasts in water? If so, would the measured amount increase or decrease? Which type of tissue contains more chlorophyll per gram of tissue (you can tell this […]