what does it mean to you personally to be “educated”? What standards will you put in place to define whether-not you’ve obtained a great education?

The word “education” can take on a variety of meanings. To some, receiving a high school or college diploma is the ultimate mark of being “educated,” while others take a different view. Looking past receiving a diploma, what does it mean to you personally to be “educated”? What standards will you put in place to […]

What could they have done to avoid/lower the fallout from moving the currency from a peg to float?

Global econommics Suppose it is January 30, 2015, two weeks after the Swiss National Bank’s announcement that the Swiss Franc’s peg has been discontinued. You are a business consultant who is hired by the Swatch group. Prepare a report that addresses the following: Why was the peg put in place? Why has it been discontinued? […]

What must you include in a literature review-How do you find the information for a literature review?

Understanding the literature review is the foundation of academic inquiry (Xiao and Watson, 2017). The literature review grounds your topic of interest with academic historical research from previous authors. This is where the saying of ‘Stand on the shoulders of giants’ comes into your research. Standing on the shoulders of giants could be as far […]

What type of risk does your organization face based on the range of risks identified in Chapter 4.

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 Research assignment Using both Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 as a resource and external research please respond to the following: Identifying the objectives of Risk Management as discussed in Chapter 3: 1. Identify a company and the industry that this company operates in (do not refer to or use the […]

What did you perceive to be the major differences between living on the east coast of the US versus living on the west coast of the

Reflection paper You will need write a reflection paper (no more than 3 typed, double-spaced pages) in which you will respond to the following questions: What amazed you or struck you emotionally? What disappointed or concerned you? What did you think of the people you met? Socially? Professionally? Did you like them? Trust them? Feel […]

Write an essay paper on What is meant by Ecommerce-How Coronavirus is impacting Ecommerce?

OPM 101: Introduction to Computing Assignment  1 (Individual Assignment) Question: Write an essay paper on What is meant by Ecommerce? How Coronavirus is impacting Ecommerce? Notes: The essay paper submitted should be in .pdf format. Formatting for the essay paper should be as follows: Double spaced One-inch margins for the top, bottom, left, and right […]

How large a sample do you need to take to ensure that you can estimate, with 90% confidence, the proportion of people preferring Coke to within 5% of the actual value? Show all of your work.

Confidence Intervals Using Excel or StatTools, complete the following Problem. Problem – You have been assigned to determine whether more people prefer Coke or Pepsi. Assume that roughly half the population prefers Coke and half prefers Pepsi. How large a sample do you need to take to ensure that you can estimate, with 90% confidence, […]

What are the key factors management should consider related to working in a remote company?

Case Study 2: Remote Work Read the attached article, Corporate America is coming around to remote work. But more big changes lie ahead and answer the following question(s). In addition to the information provided in the article, you will need to conduct research to answer the questions below. What do you believe are the greatest […]

How would you approach determining the timeline from the beginning of development until initial product launch?

MBA 580 – Milestone 2 Using the recommendation you provided in Milestone One, develop a strategic plan to implement the innovation and gain a competitive advantage. Use the Sales Forecast, Comparative Growth Data and Comparative Operating Statistics to complete this milestone. Strategic Plan -Analyze the competitors’ relative strengths in the marketplace. -Write a short paragraph […]