Assess any ethical implications for each country’s particular law.

Name and description of the agency involved in regulating prescription medications. For example, in the United States this would be the Food and Drug Administration. The actual law to which you are referring. Price transparency and caps on expenses. Analysis of the impact of the regulation on cost control and safety. Assess any ethical implications […]

Explain and calculate your customer Cost of Customer Acquisition. You must identify your key assumptions, and sources for facts and figures on which you are building your assumptions for your model.

Read step 19 from the book Disciplined Entrepreneurship 24 and then reply to the following question: 1) Present a detailed explanation and calculation of your customer Cost of Customer Acquisition. You must identify your key assumptions, and sources for facts and figures on which you are building your assumptions for your model.

Describe the product or service that will be offered by your business. Make sure it is “green.”

Business Plan Project. **With this business, please make sure you choose a GREEN business** You’ll need to borrow money to start the business and so you decide to write a business plan. Review the basics of the business plans at the US Small Business Administration site You can use the template that is part […]

Describe the restructuring strategy which improved performance at Hewlett-Packard.

Describe the restructuring strategy which improved performance at Hewlett-Packard. Identify and briefly discuss each of the three tests for determining whether diversification into a new business is likely to build shareholder value. Briefly explain what is meant my each of the following terms: relative market share resource fit a cash hog business a cash cow […]

Critically discuss the lead user approach in views of its usefulness and challenges in helping firms develop new product/services.

Topic: Critically discuss the lead user approach in views of its usefulness and challenges in helping firms develop new product/services. Use appropriate real examples from case studies or journal articles to support your discussion

Find a business-related event that occurred within the past 6 months of the due date Discuss how the case is related to a concept from a chapter.

Description Text book: Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization Concepts (12th edition) Find a business-related event that occurred within the past 6 months of the due date. At least one concept from the lectures should be identified. Examples of sources you may find the event: Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Economist, Forbes, Fortune, […]