Answer the following questions. Support your answers with references, examples, etc. 1. What are the advantages of top-down budgeting? Of bottom-up budgeting? What is the most important task for top management to do in bottom-up budgeting? 2. In preparing a budget, what indirect costs should be considered? 3. What is a variance? 4. What is […]
Category Archives: Business
Describe at the organisation level what went wrong, and what support is needed to strengthen the organisation’s ability to cope with risk.
Apply theories to explain the ineffective behaviour of key individuals and groups50%Identify the actual leadership process/style and that which was really needed in this situation25%Describe at the organisation level what went wrong, and what support is needed to strengthen the organisation’s ability to cope with risk.
What actions do you believe Am Ex should take to establish an entrepreneurial mind-set among employees throughout the company?
1.ThisMini-CasesuggeststhatalackofcontinuousinnovationcontributedtoAmericanExpress’s(AmEx)poorperformancein2014.Assumingthisistrue,whatfactorsmightpreventafirmthesizeandscopeofAmExfrombeingabletoinnovatecontinuously?2.UsematerialfromChapter4toidentifythebusiness-levelstrategyAmExuses.WhatdimensionsdoyoubelieveAmExshouldemphasizetousethestrategyyouidentifiedsuccessfullyacrosstime? 3.What actions do you believe Am Ex should take to establish an entrepreneurial mind-set among employees throughout the company? 4.ThisMiniCase includes descriptions of recentAmExinnovations.Doyouanticipatethatmostoftheseinnovationsresultedfromautonomousstrategicbehaviororfrominducedstrategicbehavior?Why?
Create an international business or international venture outside of the U.S. (e.g., export/import, franchising, manufacturing, joint venture, etc.).
Description Final Paper: Strategic Plan [WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 3, 5] Prior to beginning work on this Final Paper, review Chapters 1 through 20 in the course textbook. The Final Paper should demonstrate your understanding of the readings and other course material. By creating an international business or an international business venture, you […]
Write a letter to the board of directors of your organization, describing in brief what the initiative is, how it is connected to your mission statement, and most importantly how you plan to measure the success of this initiative.
Assignment 3HSAD 300 The Human Service AdministratorAssignment 3 – Outputs vs. OutcomesDUE: End of Week 10In Assignment 3, you will examine the difference between outputs and outcomes and develop your own set of outputs and outcomes related to the new organization you are conceptualizing.Imagine your new organization is up and running. You have developed a […]
How have organizations adapted and changed their structures to accommodate these challenges? Present an example of an organization that did this very well or one that did not. What were the consequences? What do you feel led to its success or failure?
Discussion 1: Challenges of Organization Theory and Design Today’s organization faces challenges that have required them to change radically. Among these are globalization, diversity, social responsibility, speed of communication, and technology. How have organizations adapted and changed their structures to accommodate these challenges? Present an example of an organization that did this very well or […]
Critically analyse and evaluate for your selected organisation, their board diversity applying the relevant laws, rules, corporate governance theories or philosophies, standards, guides, principles or other tools and techniques learnt during this subject.
Define and briefly describe board diversity as a corporate governance issue. Provide a brief description of board diversity at your selected organisation (current situation and recent past changes, etc.). Provide an outline of the laws, rules, corporate governance theories or philosophies, standards, guides, principles or risks learnt in this subject relevant to board diversity in […]
What differences do you perceive between yourself and members of other cultural groups in your workplace?
Description Cultural Interview: This assignment involves a written analysis of an interview with someone from a cultural group different from your own about their experience working for an organization. The purpose is to increase your understanding and awareness of differences in the workplace. General cultural differences include ethnicity, gender, and age. Typically, the most learning […]
How could other sports use data analytics to enhance the viewing experience? You can choose your favorite sport and focus only on that.
Description Advances in technology have changed the way we consume entertainment. In 1998 54% of people would rather attend a game than watching it at home; in 2011 that number had dropped to 29%. The PGA has started providing data visualizations, advanced statistics, real-time updates, and live feed to improve the viewing experience. Question: How […]
How can the organisation improve its positioning/performance?
The objective is to describe and evaluate a strategic management plan , and then recommend one to an organisation of your choice using concepts used in class. Describe and evaluate – Strategy frameworks to be used: – Company introduction: Mission/Vision Statement plus five-year revenue and profits (or proxy if not available) – External analysis • […]