Why and how we can reflect on our teaching ?Discuss.

A 2500 word critical reflection of my teaching qualities based on the profile of evidence (attached). Using the peer/learner/self-evaluations collected within the profile of evidence as the basis for the assignment to critically reflect on my personal qualities as a teacher. Link the discussion to relevant literature around teaching styles and qualities necessary within healthcare […]

Should schools or classrooms be separated by gender or sexual identities? Why or why not?

While academic gains have been seen in the subject areas of math and the sciences for female students, has this come as the cost of higher academic attainment for male students? Some argue that the gains experienced are due to co-educational settings, while others feel segregated classrooms are necessary to ensure educational equity to both […]

Identify what the overall program goals are and the locality or setting that would be best suited

Think about and then apply the four-step evaluation model to 1 of the example programs listed below. For each criterion below, think about how a program like this might work in a locality or setting that you are familiar with. Keep focused to word count with this final assignment, it is more than the previous […]

Examine the educational swirl and the impact it has on higher education- define swirl, breakdown by race, household income, is student must likely to complete their education, effect on education institution,

Paper details: Examine the educational swirl and the impact it has on higher education- define swirl, breakdown by race, household income, is student must likely to complete their education, effect on education institution,

Identify ad describe the health and safety legislation pertinent to a child care setting

Write about the following: 2.1 – Identify ad describe the health and safety legislation pertinent to a child care setting 2.2 – Explain the differences between a hazard and a risk 2.3 – Explain how food should be stored to avoid cross contamination 2.4 – Outline the basic procedure when carrying out CPR

Choose a country in sub-Saharan Africa, (but NOT Somalia, Madagascar, Liberia, or Sierra Leone) and explain where their energy comes from and why they represent a country that is energy impoverished.

Choose a country in sub-Saharan Africa, (but NOT Somalia, Madagascar, Liberia, or Sierra Leone) and explain where their energy comes from and why they represent a country that is energy impoverished. Be sure to include what the GDP is and what this number says about the country. (For example, the GDP of the wealthy US […]

Describe:What did you research? What were your reasons for researching it? What did you find out about the topic and about yourself? Did you find yourself seeking out primary or secondary sources? What kinds of sources did you use? How did you choose your topic, and what was the result of your research?

Instructions You are now engaged in a research project! This can be a very exciting and intimidating process, but you have a great support network to help you. Take just a moment to think about something you have researched in the past, and describe what that experience was like. What did you research? What were […]

Describe The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead you most need to adjust in order to connect with older generations. Do not simply give me a summary of the book –give me a self-reflective perspective of points the author makes that you personally identify with.

Write a paper on the points identified in The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead you most need to adjust in order to connect with older generations. Do not simply give me a summary of the book –give me a self-reflective perspective of points the author makes that you personally identify with. ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST ADHERE […]

Who is Socrates? Write any information about his life?

Resources: 1. Chapter 3 (Pre-Socratics) and Ch 7 (Socrates), Melchert, Great Conversation. Chapter 2 (Pre-Socratics) and chapter 6 (Socrates). link: 2. Payne, ch 3 – From Pre-Socratics to Socrates link: Videos: 1. What is Philosophy?: Crash Course Philosophy #1 2. The Presocratics: Crash Course History of Science #2 3. The Trial of Socrates 4. The […]