Why do you see this as something you want to spend the rest of your life doing and learning about?

Provide a 1000 word report. The topic is something about engineering you are passionate (that is, you care deeply). (Robotics, Data Science, Computer Science) We don’t care about why the world of engineering is interesting to some people, we want to know why you chose engineering: Why do you put up with a long and […]

Discuss how these elements influence lifestyle and human behavior within the different cities you studied

Referring to Lecture 1 – Introduction to Urban Design, Elements of Urban Form were explained in general. o Urban Structure o Urban Grain o Density + Mix o Height and Massing o Streetscape + Landscape o Façade + Interface In your group, choose elements of the above and do an in-depth reading and searching about […]

Why is profit important to you and potentially to a company either you work for or will work for at some point?

Respond in your own words and be complete on your answers What are the positive effects when a company reduces waste (referring to the 8 waste provided in class) in the organization; list and explain in detail 3 positive effects and provide examples for each of the 3? Describe one type of waste not provided […]

Summarize the key findings of your news article.

Topic: Internet of Things This assignment is a memo letter but that option is not available. The assignment is to write a memo about a new advancement or discovery in your field. Memo format Subject Line/ Header (To, From, Date, Subject) 1st paragraph – Summary Provide a clear, concise overview of the report. 2nd paragraph […]

What is the largest integer that can be represented with 8 bits?

2.2 Exercises For questions 1 – 3, answer each one for the case of a two’s complement number and an unsigned number, indicating if it cannot be answered with a specific representation. (10 pts) What is the largest integer that can be represented with 8 bits? How many bits do you need to represent the […]

Which is basically saying that instead of a 10’s or 100’s place we have an r’s

Number Representation Unsigned Integers If we have an n-digit unsigned numeral dn-1dn-2…d0 in radix (or base) r, then the value of that numeral is , which is basically saying that instead of a 10’s or 100’s place we have an r’s or r 2 ’s place. For binary, decimal, and hex r equals 2, 10, […]

Develop and submit a State Of Art report on ”Metamorphic Robot Devices – Principles, Kinematics and Topology Modelling Background and Applications”.

Metamorphic Robot Devices – Principles, Kinematics and Topology Modelling Background and Applications Develop and submit a State Of Art report on ”Metamorphic Robot Devices – Principles, Kinematics and Topology Modelling Background and Applications”.    

Determine whether the specific surface area measured in the experiment for the tested Portland cement is in agreement with tested valuereported for the tested cement.

Determine whether the specific surface area measured in the experiment for the tested Portland cement is in agreement with tested valuereported for the tested cement. (Mill certificate provided)    

Compare between the refrigerants R134a and R1234yf based on thermal and physical properties.

Topic: THERMO-PHYSICAL PROPERTY COMPARISION ANALYSIS BETWEEN R134a AND R1234YF REFRIGERANTS From the provided excel file with 8 sheets that have data and graphs, compare between the refrigerants R134a and R1234yf based on thermal and physical properties. CHAPTER 3 REFRIGERANT MIXTURE SELECTION