How long will the beam take to make the round trip?

FIber Optic show your work clearly in PDF file. Compute the spot size on the moon of an Earth based collimated Gaussian shaped beam whose wavelength is 0.8um and whose spot size equals 8mm.How long will the beam take to make the round trip? 1 mile = 1609m. D=238,900 miles (distance between the earth and […]

write a comment on the LCD screen that says what the user should see in the LEDs.

Combine tutorial 7 and 8. Tutorial 7 uses the relay as a switch between two LED options. When the switch changes the LED, write a comment on the LCD screen that says what the user should see in the LEDs. For example, say “Green LED on, Red LED off”. Basically, whatever is happening with the […]

Did Biloxi Follow Its Own Policy in Banning “To Kill a Mockingbird”?

Case Study Assignment: Biloxi Bans “To Kill a Mockingbird” Read the following: (In Files) 1. Biloxi School District Pulls “To Kill a Mockingbird” From Eighth Grade Lesson Plan. 2. ACLU of Mississippi Defends Freedom to Read “To Kill a Mockingbird” After School Ban. 3. Did Biloxi Follow Its Own Policy in Banning “To Kill a […]

Discuss the process of managing claims, critical issues associated with contract administration, and handling records and documentation

Negotiation strategy in construction claims CMGT 5355 Conflict Negotiations and Management Graduate Paper on the Legal Practices in Construction Safety Course level objectives: CLO1: Discuss the process of managing claims, critical issues associated with contract administration, and handling records and documentation CLO:2 Explore the methodologies and practices utilized to analyze schedules and costs related to […]

How can the construction industry contribute-What does this mean for the Construction industry?

The UN’s sustainability goals – how can the construction industry contribute? Background The UN’s sustainability goals are the world’s joint work plan to eradicate poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change by 2030. The UN’s sustainability goals consist of 17 goals and 169 sub-goals. The goals will function as a common global direction for countries, […]

What is the role of BIM in enhancing collaboration in construction projects in general?

Assess the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the production of accurate structural design information and the collaborative environment of structural design Things to consider when carrying out this research: • Introduction: o What is BIM?don’t do it. It was already written. o What is the role of BIM in enhancing collaboration in construction […]

What impact on carbon emissions a cycler will have by blocking a traffic lane? Is it a good idea to have dedicated bike lanes?

Do bicycles actually reduce carbon emissions in a city of your choice? Does cycling to work always reduces carbon emissions? What impact on carbon emissions a cycler will have by blocking a traffic lane? Is it a good idea to have dedicated bike lanes? This project looks into the full impact of cycling on the […]

How will you deal with ‘teamwork issues’ in the future?-What positive skills will you continue to develop as you enter or continue on in industry.

Reflection on a group work Within Group project 2 you developed your personal development plan and identified soft (transversal) skills that you had developed. Using that as a base explain how you have practiced soft skills in the Group Project 3, supporting it with appropriate examples of the situations in which you demonstrated those skills. […]

Write a 1-2 page report on two stage centrifugal pumps make sure to outline parallel and series pumping and discuss general operations when and why you would use one mode versus the other for firefighting?

Firefighting pumps Write a 1-2 page report on two stage centrifugal pumps make sure to outline parallel and series pumping and discuss general operations when and why you would use one mode versus the other for firefighting?