Give comparison between the data from a webpage and the data collected by the Pi

Internet of Things This assignment is composed of three tasks. These tasks require that you search online for tools that allow you to complete them using Node-Red on the Pi. 1. Task 1: Use Node-Red to develop a dashboard to display the time. The submission should include. a) A picture of the node-red dashboard side […]

Would increasing the relative thickness of thematerial be equivalen

Example 4.4 uses composite beam analysis by factoring the difference in material modulus of elasticity between the two materials times the width of the paint layer to “equalize” the materials in the composite. a. Would increasing the relative thickness of thematerial be equivalent? b. There is a 12% error by not including the paintlayer in […]

Describe the process of the hydraulic press or jack. You should include the principle of pressure transmission through a fluid and how the relative cross-sectional areas of the pistons contribute to the process

Q3  An air compressor takes in air at a rate or 0.02 kg.s-1 and a specific enthalpy of 280  The specific enthalpy at the exit of the compressor is 401  To achieve this, the compressor requires work to be input at a rate of 2.75 kW. A  Use a control volume approach and sketch […]

Explore the procedures and processes employed in estimating and tendering for construction work.

Description You are required to complete and excel workbook(attached) and also submit a brief overview commentary that critically appraises and justifies the Estimator’s approach to pricing the building work. Aim: To explore the procedures and processes employed in estimating and tendering for construction work. Scenario: Englemere Village in rural Berkshire, lies a few miles from […]

Discuss the differences between BIM and its associated outcomes and traditional forms of construction information showing how collaborative working can aid the BIM process. Analyse how a project outcome for the design team can be informed by BIM in comparison to a traditional method. Assess positive outcomes achieved by using BIM.

Description Scenario You have been employed as a consultant on a building project. Your role is to advise the client on how they can increase the value of their development by the use of Building Information Modelling. You have been asked to submit a report detailing the different aspects of BIM and how it can […]

Evaluate how the functional characteristics and design selection criteria impact on the eventual design solution

• Evaluate how the functional characteristics and design selection criteria impact on the eventual design solution • Prepare a design report identifying superstructure, substructure and civil engineering structures necessary for a given building construction project. • Appraise how the distribution of the primary services impact on the overall design of the building. (Primary Service appraisal […]

What impact did it have on you and what were the consequences of this impact? What action did you take to deal with the new situation and any challenges, and why did you do this?Discuss

You must use the business model canvas taught on the module to develop a business plan for a sustainable innovative product / service / system or process linked to an engineering discipline. All aspects of the business model canvas must be completed. The first page of the MS Word submission template focuses on the triple […]

Write about the power electric and your design of universal AC motor control K2636.

– Introduction: write about the power electric and your design of universal AC motor control K2636. – Components used: Write the name of parts that you used and give a brief information about it. – Data analysis: Explain the circuit. – Results and discussion: Write the results and Discuss it. – Conclusion – References NOTE: […]