Explain how the microstructures of processed metallic materials affects the mechanical properties of the materials.

To achieve the criteria,you must show that you are able to: 25/A.D1Evaluate, using an accredited data source,the microstructures of non-processed andprocessed metallic materials to correctly identify the material, including how theprocessing history, impurities and grain boundaries affect the mechanical propertiesof the materials. 25/A.M1Analyse, using an accredited data source, the microstructures of non-processed and processed metallic […]

Write a report on a Civil Engineering related innovation. The innovation can be a device, a method or a material.

Description ou are to write a report on a Civil Engineering related innovation. The innovation can be a device, a method or a material. It must be a new or recent innovation, and therefore not already widely implemented. The report shall not exceed 2000 words but should aim to be at least 1800 words.

A property developer is converting an old warehouse into modern office accommodation. The client is keen to make the working environment for the staff as comfortable as possible. As a consultant, explain how this can be done by addressing the relevant grading criteria.

Description For my assignment can you add headers for the different criteria’s, such as Pass and Then merit. I would like them separated so I can easily see it better. A property developer is converting an old warehouse into modern office accommodation. The client is keen to make the working environment for the staff as […]

Select one compression member (strut) and one tension member(tie) and plot the graph of the strain and the loads and comment on your graph. Members choosen from Table 3 are member 2(T) and 7(C).

Subtract the zero readings from the measured strains in order todetermine the true strains. Record these values in Table 3. Calculate the equivalent member forces at 450N and record the values inTable 4 (experimental force). You will need the information below:To get the elastic modulus you need to calculate the stress over the strain: E= […]

Critically review the use of non-destructive testing methods in the evaluation of structuraL concrete under high levels of exposure

1.Critically review the use of non-destructive testing methods in the evaluation of structuraL concrete under high levels of exposure .PartA(Materials)4.Criticallyevaluatethedesignandoperationoffloodalleviationmeasures.PartB(River&Coastal)5.Criticallyappraiseriverandcoastalengineeringworksandsuggestimprovements.PartB(River&Coastal)9 Aconcreterevetmentlocatedataseasideofatown,hasbeeninoperationforovertwentyfiveyearswithevidenceofsevereexposuredamage.Thesurfaceoftheconcreteshowssignsofweatheringandsurfaceabrasiontogetherwithexposureareasofsteelreinforcementduetospallingoftheconcretecover.Closerinspectionofthecorrodedsteelreinforcementindicatescriticallossofcross-sectionassociatedwithpittingcorrosion.10Part B (River & Coastal) Part B (River & Coastal)11•Giventhelevelofdegradation,criticallydiscusspossiblefloodingandtheimplicationsforextensivefloodingofthelocalareaconsideringtheenvironmental,financialandsocialimpacts.Alsoyoushoulddiscussthedifferentfloodalleviationmeasuresthatcanbeadoptedtoreducetheeffectsoftheflood.•Aspartoftheoverallcriticalevaluationofthecostaldefence,youarerequiredtomakerecommendationsforrepairingorreplacementoftheexistingrevetmenttopreventthefloodingconsideringuseofsustainabledesign/constructionandimpactonthewholelifecost.Youneedtoprovidejustificationofanyredesign/suggestion.

Discuss the factors influencing the form of and methods of constructing framed structures and wide span structuralroofing systems in steel and concrete, including wind loadings, forces and stresses that may apply to high rise buildings.

.Understand the importance of pre-construction activities on a commercial construction project and identify the difference between site investigations and ground investigations. 2.Evaluate alternative methods of substructure construction suitable for industrial andcommercial buildings. 3.Discuss the factors influencing the form of and methods of constructing framed structures and wide span structuralroofing systems in steel and concrete, including […]