Analyze how the planned, staged abandonment could optimally be aligned with offshore wind developments

The offshore wind and Oil & Gas sectors are historically largely separate. This project seeks to exploit synergies between the two in order to reduce the costs associated with O&G abandonment. Specific objectives are to: • Identify hotspots where the two sectors, have the strongest synergies, e.g. hub locations • Assess the potential to exploit […]

Examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S.

Consider technological innovations and developments in your field or other fields and address both of the following questions. First, examine the social consequences of one such innovation and describe how this innovation has either increased or decreased social justice and inequality in the U.S. Then, discuss whether and/or how this will influence constructive and deconstructive […]

Determine, using facts and law, whether any breach is the actual cause of any of Bupkiss’ injuries.

Questions 1/State the professional duty of care of a professional electronics design engineer, then the specific professional standard of care Magoo and Bord must follow in designing the requested product. State the general duty of care for a corporation as to visitors on its premises and the specific standard of care relative to test areas […]

Discuss What factors should be considered in selecting a site to install solar energy facilities?

JEE 4360 Energy Alternatives – Team Project #1 Research question: What factors should be considered in selecting a site to install solar energy facilities? Create a site suitability screening tool in EXCEL for class use. TP1 consists of researching this topic and developing a selection process and matrix that can readily evaluate the solar potential […]

How do you want to exemplify the principles you identified in your future professional and academic work? What do you need to do going forward to achieve these ideals?Explain.

Why is academic integrity important in engineering? What are examples of misconduct in engineering? What are the potential consequences when professionals act without integrity? How do you want to exemplify the principles you identified in your future professional and academic work? What do you need to do going forward to achieve these ideals?

Evaluate the risks associated with completing this project by using a risk matrix. Identify at least 6 important threats, define your probability and cost scales, evaluate the risks and list the threats in order from highest to lowest risk.

Understanding how the best company is selected for a project is best done while on the job. This week we let you evaluate two out of four company proposals and score their company resumes against the Lambert Park Phase II RFP we covered in Lesson 2. Step 1. Complete reading Chapter 1 from the course […]

Describe the effect of building construction in relation to firefighting operations, the hazards associated with building types, and the effects of fire on each type.

Please read the next paragraph, and follow the directions by writing a well-organized and researched five- to seven-page paper related to building construction topics discussed throughout this course. Your paper must contain at least five Internet sources in addition to professional journal articles or resources related to the profession. Please provide an overview of building […]

Discuss what social, ethical, or environmental consequences in the United States or in the world have been resulted from this process.

700-800 words Choose a product and analyze the social impacts of the product’s life cycle. Discuss what social, ethical, or environmental consequences in the United States or in the world have been resulted from this process. Your discussion should directly answer the question of how this product’s life cycle has affected diversity, equality, and structural […]

Explain.if you walked into a facility what would indicate to you that there was a strong safety culture. What would be in place to justify this?

Select what you believe to be the five most important indicators of a great organizational safety culture and justify your choices. In other words, if you walked into a facility what would indicate to you that there was a strong safety culture. What would be in place to justify this? See Module Classroom Slides / […]