How was the lifespan affected by the surface smoothness? Compare specimens 2 and 3.

Fatigue Testing EXPERIMENT  4 Objectives To determine how surface finish affects fatigue life. To determine how fillet radius affects fatigue life. To observe fatigue fracture surface markings and be able to differentiate fatigue from fast fracture markings. To generate a Wöhler diagram (an S-N curve) and extract information relating to fatigue limit, fatigue strength, and […]

Conduct the necessary research to find all the inputs needed to fill the LCOD template provided.

Environmental Engineering Question Description In this assignment, students will develop their own tool using MS Excel to calculate the Lifecycle Cost Of Driving (LCOD) a passenger vehicle. The developed tool will include various factors such as fuel cost upfront cost, maintenance cost, and government rebates. Students will then conduct a sensitivity analysis to understand the […]

What is the best alternative based on the net present worth value?

Questions Questions 1 through 10 are Multiple Choice Questions. Select the correct choice (50 Points). About how many years will be required for $20,000 invested at 6% per year compounded annually to double in value? a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 16 A company that utilizes carbon fiber 3-D printing wants to have money […]

what are two consequences to the organization you would emphasize? Why?

Security Procedures Assume you are a security awareness trainer. Part of your job is to convince end users that paying attention to security procedures makes the entire organization more successful. When a user does not follow security procedures, what are two consequences to the organization you would emphasize? Why?  

Determine what the material is, based on the data-Discuss industry uses of this material.

Lab report Determine what the material is, based on the data. Discuss industry uses of this material. What would it be suited for? What would it NOT be suited for? Look at all aspects, not just uses specific to your major. Discuss the “general implications” of the results obtained, suitability, concerns, etc. Then address the […]

How do your memos reflect your knowledge/assumptions about your audience?

Professional Memo/Letter Writing Assignment Write two different professional communications, and analyze the different contexts, strategies, and processes required to complete the tasks. One communication should be to an internal audience. The second communication should be to an external audience. The third piece a Cover Letter, Self-Analysis, or Reflection in which you describe in detail your […]

Calculate the steady-state error when the input variable in the process is subjected to a perturbation with a negative amplitude degree equal to 0.25.

Chemical industry processes A process controlled in feedback mode has the transfer functions of the process, the transmitter sensor and the final element equal to, respectively: Gp (S) = (6.37)/(5.0030S + 1) // Gst (S) = 24.0 // Grp (S) 0.0103 Calculate the steady-state error when the input variable in the process is subjected to […]

Discuss the difference in the average slope between the upscale and downscale cases for each sensor noting that if the confidence interval values overlap, one would say that the slopes are the same from a statistics point of view.

A Thermal fluids lab report Section number and heading, with analysis (95 points) Use the headings and numbers below, with each item requested clearly identified in your write-up. If there is an instruction to create a plot or table, that item is expected to be included in your report. The caveat to that last […]

Why would you want to plan your kite flying session in the afternoon, not the morning?

DISCUSSION QUESTION Answer following questions based on reading ( short answers ) Use these to guide your reading 1) The text lists a few horizontal a. vertical length scales of the atmosphere what does this say about the relative importance of vertical a. horizontal motion in We atmosphere, 2) Now is heat flow in […]