Draw Isometric view of the given FV and TV.

General Instructions: i) Solve all questions. ii) All dimensions are in mm. iii) Use the first angle method of projection. iv) Assume a suitable dimension if it is necessary. v) Retain all construction lines. vi) Line work should be in such a way that the drawings are neat and clear while scanning. Solve any One […]

How might the ideas developed in the reading be applied to construction

Engineering Question Write a one-page reaction paper for the handout. To receive maximum credit, it is recommended that you include the following four questions in your paper and clearly address each one. 1) Briefly summarise the reading. 2) What conclusions did you draw from the reading? Were there any “lightbulb moments” for you? 3) What […]

Discuss how the Deming Cycle impact Six Sigma and other forms of continuous improvement.

Deming was largely responsible for bringing statistical thinking and methods after WWII. Discuss how the Deming Cycle impact Six Sigma and other forms of continuous improvement. Provide examples. Essential Activities: Watching the videos, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUHiDPKXcw4&ab_channel=ClintStevenson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31m2WePfqIc&ab_channel=KrishnamurtyPammi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilDAYBR5sQU&ab_channel=ProjectManager

How does dual-use dilemma apply to this context?

To help counter terrorism, many countries are planning or have developed computer systems that track large numbers of their citizens and their actions. (8 pts total) a) Discuss the dual-use dilemma in this context. (3pts) What is dual-use dilemma? How does dual-use dilemma apply to this context? (3 sentences max) b) Based on the ACM/IEEE […]

Explain why or why not-Provide at least two reasons in your explanation.

“Barry Boehm in his article “A View of 20th and 21st Century Software Engineering” discusses software-intensive systems of systems (SISOS). 7 pts total a) Based on his description of SISOS, do you think agile SDLC models are appropriate for developing these types of systems? (2 pts) Yes No b) Explain why or why not. Provide […]

Draw a block diagram to represent the ODE derived in a. where Pa is the input and Pd is the output.

In the figure, R., and R„, denote the flow resistances of the stenosis and the microcirculation, respectively. Cm denotes the compliance of the microcirculation. Pa and Pd denote the aortic pressure and the distal pressure from the stenosis, respectively. The terminal pressure Po is assumed to be zero. Qin denotes the inlet blood flowrate to […]