Why an engineer has to draw shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for a beam-Provide a sketch for above explanation.

Q1 a.Why an engineer has to draw shear force diagram and bending moment diagram for a beam. Provide a sketch for above explanation. (0.5 Marks) [Answer in your own words] Q1 b. Draw a simply supported beam with roller support. Mark the type of loads that can be applied on the beam and its reactions. […]

Design a PID controller by using Ziegler-Nichols step response method.

1 Problem A chemical reaction, takes place in a continuous stirred tank moor (CSTR) at VC. The reactant A has 95% purity and temperature is less than TsC. Whereas reactant B has 85% purity and temperature is more than re. The product is separated to component C and D. at temperature D.C. The prom. is […]

Define and describe Cache Memory. What problem does it solve-How is cache memory different than virtual memory?

 Systems Programming Final Exam What is digital data? Give a clear example. What is a pipeline? Give a detailed example of a pipeline operation. Describe the advantages and limitations of a pipeline. Define and describe RISC. Describe the advantages and limitations of RISC. What are the primary goals of RISC? Define and describe CISC. Describe […]

What example from your own life has been influenced by these applications?

Explain, in your own words, how these applications impact society. If you or someone you know has ever had an MRI scan for a medical diagnosis, you have experienced the result of quantum physics for measuring bodily structures. Finally, provide another specific example from your own life that could be influenced by these applications. Introduction: […]

What are the benefits to wing sweep at subsonic and supersonic speeds?

Aerospace Fundamentals Short Answer Questions (5 Points Each): Briefly discuss the function of the following components in a gas turbine engine: Turbine Burner Compressor A new engine design is capable of providing a fighter aircraft with 40% more excess power and weighs 10% less all else being equal. By what percentage has the rate of […]

Explain summary of the lab should include what you learned or got out of the lab.

You will submit the Lab Notebook, as a digital notebook. The cover sheet should contain the class, your name, the name of the lab and the date. Then show any completed questions, handwritten work, results, a summary of the lab should include what you learned or got out of the lab. Finally, include a picture […]

Explain what social constructions are and how they relate to privilege and social identity.

A healthy hip joint is shown on the left in the figure below. The hip joint is susceptible to degradation either through traumatic injuries or arthritis. If the damage is too severe, an artificial hip replacement can be implanted to restore the proper functions of the hip. A typical hip replacement is shown on the […]

Explain how the article shows secondary sources .

In the first section, review a few specific writing tools/skills you learned/practiced in this class and give examples from Project 2 . You might mention progress structuring STEM essays, writing body paragraphs, showing visual sources, collecting data , etc. In the second section, analyze a scholarly article that you used in Project 2. Write 1 […]

Calculate the reaction forces by the factored girder weight and the factored concentrated loads .

For the beam shown below, answer the following questions (50 pt). Normal weight concrete (a) Calculate the factored dead load. Hint: Girder weight shall be calculated. Consider the volume of concrete rectangle section (i.e., 12×40 in). The unit weight of concrete is 150 pcf . The load factor of 1.2 shall be multiplied. (b) Calculate […]