Describe how you would be able to check for stability for this closed loop system.

Process_5_Modelling Assignment_2021 Page 1 of 4 SHC4032 Process Control Coursework: Modelling and Systems Analysis Assignment Ensure no spelling, punctuation or grammatical errors when writing your answers. Present all equations, substitutions and place a box around the final answer, where applicable. A model for a batch reactor has been derived as follows: 𝑑𝑦 𝑑𝑡 = (𝐼𝐷5)𝑦 […]

Use MS Excel to create a spreadsheet that determines combined height of gage block(s) required for a 5” or 10” sine bar to obtain a slope (θ°) between 1° – 90°.

Use MS Excel to create a spreadsheet that determines combined height of gage block(s) required for a 5” or 10” sine bar to obtain a slope (θ°) between 1° – 90°. Dropbox Instructions: Review the Learning Activities associated with this assignment. Open the 04_Sine Bar Setup Problem assignment. Make sure you save your final product […]

Consider the element and the coordinate systems x and y in centimeters shown in figure below.

Consider the element and the coordinate systems x and y in centimeters shown in figure below. [(0,0), J(15,0), M(15,10), N(0,10) cm for coordinates. Uix=Uiy = 0, Ujx= Ujy= Umx=Umy=.3 cm Unx=Uny=0 cm U.1 cm tuny Uri I Is q Ufr Umy Umx • a) Derive the finite element shape (interpolation) functions at x=y=5 corn. b) […]

Did you get any new insights about the engineering design process?

In this assignment, you’ll reflect on your experience in this course. This could be pertaining to the individual project and/or the team project, or the skills you have gained in this course. Even if this course was easy for you, we hope you learned something. Submission format Centered at the top write the name of […]

Analyse generic communication techniques and how they apply to avionics systems.

Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing Analyse generic communication techniques and how they apply to avionics systems. Evaluate the signal processing path in typical avionics systems. Analyse the operation of aircraft measurement sensors. Create avionics requirements based on general system specifications. Design an avionics subsystem at block diagram and requirements level. Analyse Digital Signal Processing […]

Determine the value of the matching resistor required.

Design of a pin photodetector Create a high efficiency  p-in photodetector capable of detecting a 5 Gb/s optical signal from a 50 pm diameter optical Mae. It will be utilised at a room temperature with a 500 input impedance. For your design, you may assume the following: You the maximum p- and retype doping densities […]

What is the expected daily loss due to reworking defective items that end up scraps?

The warehouse capacity of a given product is of 3 items at most. The daily demand for this product is given by the following probability distribution: p(0) = 0.3; p(1) 0.25, p(2)1.25, p(3+)=0.2, where 3+ means 3 or more. When the remaining items at the end of a day are less than 2, an order […]

Identify the data required and determine the volume of two compound solid bodies 5

In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found Declaration Criteria Achieved P4 P5 P6 M2 M3 M4 Criteria Reference Assessment Criteria Task No. P4 Determine the area of two regular shapes from given data 1. P5 Determine the volume […]

How could the misuse of this technology affect society (e.g., safety, security, economic. etc.)?

Critical Analysis of Your Chosen Technology Historical and Current Perspectives: How and where did this technology originate ? How did this technology evolve to its current state? 3. What societal needs are met with the application of this technology (e.g., safety, convenience)? How does the use of this technology affect society (positive and/or negative consequences)? […]

Design a Moore machine in which the output becomes 1 and remains 1 thereafter when at least three 0s and at least two 1s have occurred as inputs, in any order.

Design a Moore machine whose output becomes ‘1’ when the value of the input sequence itself is a multiply of 3 (e.g., if input is 11010 then the output is 01100. In this example the first input bit that feeds the state machine is ‘1’). only show the state diagram. Design a Moore machine in […]