Draw influence lines for shear at critical sections and determine the maximum shear at each section using only full-span loading.

Design a rectangular beam continuous over three spans as shown in the accompanying figure. The live load is 2.4 kips/ft, and the superimposed dead load is 1.6 kips/ft in addition to the beam weight. Supports are 16″ wide. Assume fic = 4,000 psi, and f1= 60,000 psi. a) Is ACI simplified method of analysis for […]

Read a book and write a essay about the book.

Engineering book report Read a book and write a essay about the book. This book needs to be read without just looking at the summarize of the book. The link to the book:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SN58V7N3UlMQ7HnsKXz8fRED5P7FFhi6/view?usp=drivesdk Essay information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-E9p0Got6wgNuJHzerVtly1imQArE0d8UEavkL-NKvg/edit  

Identify the probability distribution that is adequate for the failure/repair process data sets

Task-1 is about the application of reliability techniques to analyze the failure data. In this task you are expected to select a complex system of your choice and have a good understanding of the system functionality and technical aspects of the system. Collect historical failure and repair/maintenance data related to the system (the system could […]

What is the range of unsigned immediate operands that can be provided?

Part one A data path similar to the one in Figure 8-1 has 64 registers. How many selection lines are needed for each set of multiplexers and for the decoder? A computer has a 32-bit instruction word broken into fields as follows: opcode, six bits; two register file address fields, five bits each; and one […]

Write down the boundary conditions at the left side of the beam (built-in)

A cantilever Beam of length is shown in Figure 1. Provide answers to the following 3 questions: Write down the boundary conditions at the left side of the beam (built-in) Write down the boundary conditions at the right side of the beam (free end) Derive the frequency equation of the lateral vibrations of the beam. […]

What geometric shape is created by a drilling operation that uses a conventional twist drill?

Turning and Related Operations 21.9 Describe the turning process. 21.10 In a straight turning operation, the final diameter of the workpiece is equal to the starting diameter minus the depth of cut, true or false? 21.11 How does a boring operation differ from a turning operation? 21.12 Among the components of an engine lathe, what […]

define a new random uquence X, by subtracting 1 from the product of three conucutive Sk values

Let {5,} be an infinite sequence of i.i.d.Al(1, 1) random variables. define a new random uquence X, by subtracting 1 from the product of three conucutive Sk values, according to: X, = S„,S,S,_, —1. Let =  be an estimate of &arrived at by passing X, through en LTI filter:   S,         Al(1, 1) […]

Compare between the performance of the above controllers in terms of time and frequency characteristics.

Consider a system described by the transfer function:  where b equals the last two digits of your student number (for example: if your number is 438123456 then b=56). A) Provide a FULL and comprehensive system analysis of the continues system in both time and frequency domain (unit step time response for k=1: delay time, rise […]

How much carbon would need to be used each day to treat your waste?

Exercise 4: Activated carbon treatment Your factory produces a waste containing 1,4 dioxane that you must treat before discharge. You have decided to use activated carbon for this purpose. You perform laboratory-scale tests to see how well the 1,4 dioxane in your waste will adsorb to the activated carbon you will use. You put 0.5 […]