What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?

Week – 12: Assignment This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity. Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI). After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions: What is your definition of AI? Explain. What is your […]

What factors does Zulpo take into consideration when he’s evaluating job applicants?

IT career What types of IT career have the most potential in the current hiring market? What factors does Zulpo take into consideration when he’s evaluating job applicants? Why is IT a major enabler of business performance and success? Explain why it is beneficial to be an informed user of IT. Do you think IT […]

Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from an expert system and a content management system and provide two examples for each type of system.

Content You are the business owner of a local small engine repair shop, and you have been thinking about implementing a knowledge management system for your customer service technicians. You are thinking about this because there were times when one of your technicians knew how to fix certain engine problems and others did not. Providing […]

What is the relationship between stakeholders and the extended project management team?

Chapter 4 Project Team Members Initial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading […]

Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.

Students will read and analyze case studies from the Harvard Business Coursepack.  These will be key components of the course where students will understand and apply the course subject matter. Case studies are worked on over a two week period, allowing students time to thoroughly read and analyze the case. While each case study requires […]

Which of the following is your major (concentration) closest to?

Identifying Your Company and Your Role What is the name of this e-commerce company? (Do not choose a real company.) What is the fictional name of the CEO, and what is the fictional name of the CIO? (You can use a friend or family member if you want, or some celebrity or fictional character.) In […]

Compare and contrast the “click-only” and the “bricks and clicks” approaches to conducting business online by giving 2 examples

Answer both questions: 4.3: Compare and contrast the “click-only” and the “bricks and clicks” approaches to conducting business online by giving 2 examples (no more than 1-2 paragraphs for the answer). 4.6: Describe the benefits and drawbacks of “e-tailing”.  

What are the possible types of threats using outsourced security personnel might pose for an organization?

Security Program For this week’s discussion, answer the following questions: 1. List and explain at least 2 possible ways to influence and motivate employees within an organization in regards to information security. 2. What are the possible types of threats using outsourced security personnel might pose for an organization? List and discuss at least 2.

What is the difference between usability and accessibility, identify the usability issues?

Identify one of real-world problem, example “It is difficult to recruit good wait staff who provide the level of customer service to which we have become accustomed.” Then, analyze the problem space by answering some of questions such as What are the reasons of these problems? Design a conceptual model for your addressed problem There […]

How would using this strategy increase the chances of a successful outcome in this particular case?

On pages 138 and 139 of Project Management: The Managerial Process, there is information about reducing estimating errors. Review the information contained there. For this discussion, you will use the following six strategies below to minimize errors: Identify all stakeholders Involve the stakeholders when creating the estimates Aggregate the estimate by comparing several models Manage […]