Choose a TED Talk that address computer security. Write a two-to-three-page paper describing the talk’s topic and ways you would leverage the content to improve your personal or your company’s computer security.

Choose a TED Talk that address computer security. Write a two-to-three-page paper describing the talk’s topic and ways you would leverage the content to improve your personal or your company’s computer security. Write a summary of the video, not to exceed three pages (single spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins), using APA format. Your summary should […]

Describe What challenges did you experience gathering research?Is there a resource that has been helpful in the process of researching, organizing and writing the research paper?

Paper details: Create a traditional outline that follows this format (Links to an external site.). Make sure you fill in the information specific to your topic and your essay. It is recommended that you complete this in a Word document (or other word processing software). Copy and Paste into the Canvas Editor and attach your […]

Discuss how Cyber Intel can impact everyday life. Utilize real world examples, terminology, and concepts learned through the first half of the semester.

Paper details: Discuss how Cyber Intel can impact everyday life. Utilize real world examples, terminology, and concepts learned through the first half of the semester. From the book Practical Cyber Intelligence by Wilson Bautista Jr. this is the only reference needed. Chapter 1-8

Create a Web page that demonstrates the accurate use of specified HTML5 tags. Create Web page elements that accurately reflect design requirements.

Hello Writer. There are 5 parts to this. Please make sure they are done in order. This is the first assessment. Directions Using a text editor, create an HTML5-compliant homepage with a file name of index.htm. The page should include the following page sections: Header: Include the organization name and logo. Navigation: Include links to […]

Create a functioning image gallery according to specification. Write developer comments to describe and explain code.

Directions Add the following media to your site. Content should be appropriate to the look, feel, and context of your site. Image Gallery (add to the Gallery page): Create an image gallery with at least three images. The images should be displayed as thumbnails that open a larger image in a pop-up window when clicked. […]

Discuss strategies for managing change personally and organizationally.

opic: Personal Action Plan to Maximize Information and Technology in My Public Service So What? Is managing information important to me as an elected or appointed public official, administrator, citizen, or other public sector stakeholder? Why or why not? If so, Now What? What actions am I going to take that will maximize my effectiveness […]

Discuss new technology or the new generation utilizing that technology

Paper details: Assignment Guidance In this exercise, you will be looking at the development of new technology and discussing how it will impact the future on Cyber Intelligence. • Discuss the challenges of evolving technology • Discuss new technology or the new generation utilizing that technology • Discuss the threat that is poses to the […]

Discuss how AI software can be augmented with the future of your industry and how it will impact the nature of your job in the future.

Part 1 (Topic 3 materials): (1) Within the context of predicting what the preferable future of your work will be like, discuss how AI software can be augmented with the future of your industry and (2) how it will impact the nature of your job in the future. The aim of this discussion is to allow you […]

Identify these vulnerabilities in selected systems. You need to complete a technical report to document your experimental outcomes and findings.

n this assignment, you are required to choose a subset of CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors listed on SANS website and identify these vulnerabilities in selected systems. You need to complete a technical report to document your experimental outcomes and findings. The report should consist of 3000-3500 words (minimum 3000 words, single spaced, […]