What are some factors that would influence your decision to suggest a VLAN? What types of things would the client need to describe to you?

You are a newly hired network administrator in a company that provides networking consulting services to area businesses of a variety of sizes. Networks range from 10 users to over 10,000 users. You have read a little about the advantages of VLANs and you want to become more knowledgeable in case one of your clients […]

Compare and contrast Standard vs. Extended ACLs. Where should you place a Standard ACL? Why? Where should you place an Extended ACL? Why?

George McDucky and Sandy Badluck have a gigantic problem plaguing them. The access list they configured does the opposite of what was intended. The marketing department router is directly connected to the finance department router. They were tasked with denying the marketing department network access to the finance department After configuring it, marketing […]

What is IPv6? What are the advantages of running IPv6? What are some concerns about IPv6? What ever happened to IPv5?Discuss.

What is IPv6? What are the advantages of running IPv6? What are some concerns about IPv6? What ever happened to IPv5? How will IPv6 help the growth of the Internet? Make sure you conduct research for your post — either using class content or from the Web, and make sure you cite your source(s).

How would you connect multiple switches together so they share VLAN information and interfaces?Discuss.

What is a VLAN? What steps would you take to create a VLAN (don’t forget the programming on both the router and the switch)? How would you connect multiple switches together so they share VLAN information and interfaces? How do VLANs help with your network security? Make sure you conduct research for your post — […]

Describe the challenges that these features introduce to the above-mentioned NLP tools.

In the written report, you will briefly: (v) Introduce and summarize the basic linguistic features of Arabic. (vi) Describe the challenges that these features introduce to the above-mentioned NLP tools. (vii) Illustrate your findings by a couple of examples and snapshots and cite your references in the APA style. 3 Submission Guidelines Your report should […]

Discuss Why? Are there some hidden reasons behind the cryptic nature of the Cisco IOS? Isn’t it time for Cisco to join the modern age with its management interface? What are some of the specifics you like (or dislike) most about the IOS in its current state?

So, the question is why? Are there some hidden reasons behind the cryptic nature of the Cisco IOS? Isn’t it time for Cisco to join the modern age with its management interface? What are some of the specifics you like (or dislike) most about the IOS in its current state? NOTE: Although it is not […]

Explain why you think a company would choose hardware from this brand instead of Cisco.

Write a brief description of the company you found. Explain why you think a company would choose hardware from this brand instead of Cisco. Elaborate your post to include your thoughts about why they are better or worse than Cisco. Does your company offer network switches and routers like Cisco does? Compare and contrast some […]

Summarize Why were you interested in this article.What you learned from it.How could you use it in your professional career

Topic: HP Takes Us One Step Closer to a Virtual Tomorrow Paper details: Site – technewsworld.com SUMMARIZE! this article Included in this summary is -Why were you interested in this article -What you learned from it – How could you use it in your professional career

Explain why the power distribution company should adopt a cyber security policy.

Criteria:1.Explain why the power distribution company should adopt a cyber security policy. 2.Outline the broad responsibilities of the organisation to meet cyber security strategyof Australia, includingoneof the following responsibilities:a.Ethicalb.Government policy concernsc.Cyber stormpreparedness 3.Conduct a risk analysis ofoneof the following vulnerabilities, including likelihood of impact and consequences should the vulnerability not be mitigated:a.Organisational vulnerability (no understanding […]

Explain what the statistic is intending to communicate,Detail how the statistic is misleading.

Find five examples of published misleading statistics and answer the following questions for each: ( Copy an image of each misleading statistics and answer the questions below them) 1. Explain what the statistic is intending to communicate 2. Detail how the statistic is misleading 3. Identify what you would do to correct the issue Create […]