Discuss a New Energy Technology you were able to research. Be sure to include a web link for your chosen technology. Describe what it is, who is developing it, and where it will be used.

Module 8 Discussion: New Energy Technology: Discuss a New Energy Technology you were able to research. Be sure to include a web link for your chosen technology. Describe what it is, who is developing it, and where it will be used.

Explain what this area means in terms of system performance. Use the definitions provided in the Week 5 Requirements reading.

Usability Scalability Availability Reliability Maintainability Performance Portability Interoperability Security Protection of data as it is transmitted and when it is stored User authentication Authorization of user to perform specific functions Data backup and recovery Choose one of the system performance or security areas listed above Put the area you selected into the Subject/Title of your […]

Why are we doing this project? What is the project about? How does this solution address key business issues? by using this course knowledge.

– Word count should be more than 675 words. – Plagiarism should not exceed 8%. – Try to make the words simple. – In summary it will talk about an organization, what are its problems and a brief about the solution. – YOU NEED TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS WHEN WRITING: Why are we doing this […]

Select and describe a number of analysis objects (information assets) for the risk analysis related to an organization-wide risk analysis. Motivate and argue for your choice. Also, describe what criteria you use in the analysis (eg acceptance levels).

3.1 Analyse Risk 3.1. The selected area of the analysis Work in the tool “Analyse Risk” Assume previous work (Analyse business and environment). Select and describe a number of analysis objects (information assets) for the risk analysis related to an organization-wide risk analysis. Motivate and argue for your choice. Also, describe what criteria you use […]

Describe How did the activities in which you were involved demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities in meeting your selected program competencies?

Instructions Experiential learning opportunities are an essential way to focus on the knowledge, skills, and abilities you need to realize your career goals. You have specifically selected this course as an opportunity to earn practical experience in your chosen field to help realize these goals. In your journal, post your experiences and reflections on a […]

How did the activities in which you were involved demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and abilities in meeting your selected program competencies?

Describe the experience and what you hope to gain from participating in the experience. Provide an overview of tasks and key activities (training, discussions, labs, assessments, etc.) in which you were engaged during the week, with sufficient detail for your instructor to understand what you were involved in. How did the activities in which you […]

iscuss and justify whether parametric or non-parametric test would be suitable for this data.Run the appropriate statistical test and discuss the results.

equirements:Your task is to select and apply statistical analysis techniques to examine the data and derive some conclusions to the following questions:1.Formulate a research question for this study.2.Select the appropriate data to conduct a statistical test to determine if there is a significant difference between 2 independent groups.•Describe and plot relevant data selected from the […]

What types of biometric devices are currently available? How do they work and how much do they cost? What are the advantages and disadvantages to the use of biometrics? Will biometrics alone be sufficient as a threat deterrent? Why or why not?

Graded assignment submissions such as this assignment need to be completed on your own, i.e. individual work. There are 4 questions on this assignment. Answer all 4 questions and be sure and cite your references, including textbooks. #1) What types of biometric devices are currently available? How do they work and how much do they […]

What would you have done differently, and what advice would you give to others preparing and writing a research paper?

TOPIC Please analyze and explain your research and writing process in the semester. Please explore your research methodology in a fully developed manner. YOU MUST INCLUDE ASPECTS FROM: The research topic you chose for the final paper. (What did you learn about this topic through your research?) The Milestones you completed toward your research paper. […]

What approach should the organization take in developing the Cybersecurity Management program? (What standards or frameworks should be used?)

Before you begin read Our class focuses on integrating many different aspects of cybersecurity, information security, and information assurance.  Recent developments in the field of cybersecurity have resulted in a number of “maturity models” which can be used by external assessors to evaluate the maturity level of an organization’s cybersecurity management program. You will need […]