Explain,how significant digital citizenship is to society,current issues in society relating to personal data

Assignment: The manager of the business consortium was impressed with your presentation and has asked you to produce a news article which can be displayed on their website. This will inform new business owners about IT issues in society. Your article should cover the following points and it should include examples from wider reading and […]

What makes this command useful? How does it work? How do you use the command?

TopicAprocess is a running instance of a program in Linux. You can have foreground and background processes in Linux. One of the strengths of Linux is the way processes are handled in the kernel. You have lots of tools available to you to manage Linux processesand memory on your system. Some examples are ps, top, […]

Develop a tutorial in Powerpoint on how to use the editor. Post your PowerPoint in the forum

To provide insight into the quality of software that is available, you will research high-quality, free Linux text editors. This information will be of interest to anyone who wishes to have more control over managing their files.•Research different Linux text editors (at least two from CLI and two from GUI).•Compare and contrast the different editors.•Document […]

Highlight the different parts of the shell script you found, and see if yourecognize any of the commands used in the script. Explain the commands that you found in the shell script

TopicSome of us have written a script before……some of us haven’t. Shell scripting is a necessary skill to have in your Linux toolbox. Scripts are used to help you automate your job as a system administrator. If you are finding that you doing the same task over and over again, you should consider creating a […]

When did Wi-Fi become an official standard? Who is the governing body?

1.When did Wi-Fi become an official standard? Who is the governing body?2.What are some of the different Wi-Fi standards? How are they similar? How are they different?3.How do we keep Wi-Fi, or wireless networks, secure?4.What are some different companies that offer wireless networking equipment? Compare and contrast some of their equipment.

Describe McKinnon in the context of the frameworks and theories of cyber-crime and cybercriminals discussed in the classroom.

Alleged computer hacker Gary McKinnon of the United Kingdom has publicly admitted to compromising computer systems belonging to NASA and the Department of Defense. Using information from your classroom, additional materials provided by your instructor, and your own independent research, discuss the impact of these widespread intrusions and comment on McKinnon’s self-proclaimed motivations. Describe McKinnon […]

What topics would have to be covered in your literature review? (Just list the topics.) List business theories that would be relevant to this study. Explain why they would be relevant.

Module 5 – SLP ETHICS AND IRB As discussed in SLP 4, you were asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation of your mini-proposal with the following components: • Title: Provide a title for your proposal. • Rationale: Identify the topic and describe why this study is needed for a given organization (include a justification of […]

Write a brief (two to four page) report on who does it, how it works and what it takes to be successful.

Large retailers like Amazon and WalMart aren’t the only businesses cashing in on consumers’ love for all things online. Individuals are also finding financial success. If you watch YouTube, for example, you are probably familiar with the phrase “like, share and subscribe”. Write a brief (two to four page) report on who does it, how […]

How does the organization that you work (I work for AT&T) for use the Internet to promote itself or connect with those it serves?

Businesses have scrambled in recent years to use the Internet to promote their products and services, deliver support and connect with customers. How does the organization that you work (I work for AT&T) for use the Internet to promote itself or connect with those it serves? • Does your organization have a website? • Use […]