What was the most valuable concept that you learned in this class that you will most likely use in your future career?

Network Architecture Security Plan Summative Discussion Board Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following: What was the most valuable concept that you learned in this class that you will most likely use in your future career? […]

What are some current password requirements you would implement within a new organization to safeguard against such tools? Provide an example of a secured password.

John the Ripper password cracking tool used in Linux Research the John the Ripper password cracking tool used in Linux. How might this tool be used to bypass single factor security methodologies? What are some current password requirements you would implement within a new organization to safeguard against such tools? Provide an example of a […]

How does data flow? Where is it most secure? What are the differences within a technical system as it relates to data in a computer system-across a network?

Data at Rest, In Use, and in Transmission Assessment Description: Understanding the complexities of data transmission and how it relates to the information technology field is a key foundation to understanding the digital world. How does data flow? Where is it most secure? What are the differences within a technical system as it relates to […]

Identify why information cleansing is critical to Ben & Jerry, California Pizza Kitchen-Noodles & Company business intelligence tool’s success.

Data Cleansing Answer the three questions below: 1. What is information and data cleansing? 2. Describe common data items that require cleansing. 3. Identify why information cleansing is critical to Ben & Jerry, California Pizza Kitchen, and Noodles & Company business intelligence tool’s success. Instructions:Read and use the attached Mining the Data Warehouse document on […]

Who created and designed this technology-What are the demographics of the creators?

Technology and culture Now that you have a specific technology to examine, in this stage, you will answer a series of questions to help you start thinking about how technology functions in the world and what impacts, biases and technological politics s it may have. Address each of the following questions in about 2-4 sentences. […]

Explain specialized terms or concepts thoroughly and accurately to facilitate-enhance audience comprehension.

IT: network problems and develop a troubleshooting and tool report that details the solution. Explain specialized terms or concepts thoroughly and accurately to facilitate and enhance audience comprehension. Adhere fully and accurately to required attribution and citation standards. Produce grammatically correct material in flawless standard academic English that fully supports the communication Identify the issue […]

What constraints, challenges-opportunities do you think the designer was facing-Is there a reason the design is the way it is?

Design Notebook Focused on Inclusivity, Accessibility or Values in Technology The purpose of these assignments is to gain some practice with identifying, diagnosing, and describing HCI features of the designed world around us. The assignment is simple — present a brief HCI-focused analysis of a design, interface, or system (computerized or not) that you found. […]

How should SSC prepare for an Electronic Records Management (ERM) System if it decides to implement one?

Analyze & Decide: Apply IT Concepts to Business Decisions Find an attached file with the instruction for this research paper. The document contains the case and requirements. This report should address these three (3) questions: 1) How should SSC prepare for an Electronic Records Management (ERM) System if it decides to implement one? 2) Using […]

Do you think it is ethical for authorities to tap an online service provider-to read people’s email-Why-why not?

Tracking down hackers (a) Authorities frequently tap online service providers to track down hackers. Do you think it is ethical for authorities to tap an online service provider and to read people’s email? Why or why not? (b) Identify some of the different types of hackers and viruses and explain how a company can protect […]