What is the critical leadership problem facing the 4th ABCT-how will you use the processes and concepts from L100 to improve the ABCT-achieve your vision?

What is the critical leadership problem facing the 4th ABCT and how will you use the processes and concepts from L100 to improve the ABCT and achieve your vision? Clearly and comprehensively explain, defend, and justify your answers.

What part does truth play in leadership-What happens when YOU are the toxic leader-How do we recognize the problem when the problem is us?

Leadership perspective OPTIONAL Discussion for EXTRA Credit – https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/ten-facts-about-washington-slavery/ (Links to an external site.) https://www.nps.gov/articles/harriet-tubman-and-the-underground-railroad.htm (Links to an external site.) https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/slavery-and-washingtons-presidency/ (Links to an external site.) Thus far, we have discussed motivation, power, ethics, and success as they all relate to leader effectiveness.  Now, let’s talk about truth and the very hard decisions that are always going to […]

Identify and discuss one or more leadership positions that you currently hold or work. Assess your personal leadership beliefs and behaviors and determine what you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses in the position.

Students will research current sport leader (e.g. manager, owner, athletic director, coach, and athlete) and write 2-3 page paper that discusses the individual’s leadership style based on one or more of theories and models discussed in class. This may be done with active or passive research meaning that you can actually observe someone that you […]

What are the possible events that you can envision happening that will influence you as a leader and how your leader identity will evolve?Discuss

Instructions. On the next two pages,draw a leadership timeline. Begin with your earliest memories and continue to the present. Highlight the key events that taught you about leadership, noting your approximate age and a brief description of the event. What are the key milestones in your leadership journey? Here are some ideas to get you […]

Explain why this issue is important, and make a recommendation for addressing the issue.

Explain why this issue is important, and make a recommendation for addressing the issue. The recommendation may include the following elements: 1. Why it is important 2. How your recommendation will address the problem 3. Budget impact 4. Labor impact 5. Community messaging 6. Possible pitfalls that will negatively impact the implementation of your recommendation

What is your team leadership style? Based on the Guidance for Team Leaders to Improve Team Excellence at the end of the assessment, discuss three strategies you will implement to improve your team leadership.

Complete the Interactive Leadership Assessment at the end of Ch. 14 in Northouse. What is your team leadership style? Based on the Guidance for Team Leaders to Improve Team Excellence at the end of the assessment, discuss three strategies you will implement to improve your team leadership.

Discuss on the impacts of success in leadership (corruptive nature of leadership); justification based on intent, means or outcome (ends/means); and individual versus group-centric approaches to leadership ethics (being good among many who are good).

Description Each student will write a paper that discusses and responds to the principal challenges to the possibility of ethical leadership: the corruptive nature of power, ends justifying the means (dirty hands) and being good among so many who are good. Specifically, you may wish to focus on the impacts of success in leadership (corruptive […]

Discuss the relationship among these concepts, providing your own perspective, being sure to support all assertions with specific references to the course texts

Description Define the terms false memories, traumatic memory, repressed memories, and recovered memory therapy. Discuss the relationship among these concepts, providing your own perspective, being sure to support all assertions with specific references to the course texts and additional required sources. Books assigned to course are:* Posttraumatic and Acute Stress Disorders By Matthew J. Friedman […]

Explain Do you use your personality traits to convince followers to support you? Do you build relationships with others using your leadership skills, creating a bond where you work towards a common goal? Do you serve a collective group with a passion for a particular issue?

Description No sources needed! Please answer just by using your own words. Thank YOU! Level of Leader Identity describes how you display and deploy your leadership behaviors. Do you use your personality traits to convince followers to support you? Do you build relationships with others using your leadership skills, creating a bond where you work […]

What would you do in this situation and why?

Sometimes organizational leaders, upon later reflection, tend to point to only the positive things they did, especially during a significant organizational change. For this question, we are asking you to take a critical look at the actions Peter Loescher (also spelled Löscher) did as CEO of Siemens. This question involves two videos recorded by Loescher […]