Discuss the behaviors or experiences that exist in the unfilled in areas – the things that are keeping you from maximizing your leader identity strength. How can you develop those skills?

Strength is the extent to which you identity with being a leader. When others grant us leadership or when we are successful in leadership endeavors, we strengthen our leader identity. Please share some claiming and granting behaviors you’ve experienced that strengthen how you identify as a leader. Also, discuss the behaviors or experiences that exist […]

Why you chose those quotes or how you interpret them to mean. What bits of wisdom can we muster from those quotes?Discuss

The purpose of this assignment is to focus on the leadership characteristics and style of a business/spiritual/political leader. Instructions: Using Lynn University’s extensive library resources find information about the leader you have chosen from articles, videos, films, movies, etc. Prepare a document about the chosen leader making sure you cover the following areas: 1. Brief […]

Reflect upon your drawing, how your drawing changed as you discussed it with others, and what you personally feel like your drawing is saying about leadership. Include some reasons or examples of why this leadership definition is meaningful to you. Do you represent the type of leader in your drawing? Why or Why not?

Description Hello, this is a discussion, not a paper. Answer by using your own words. Attached is my drawing. Thank You. -Please reflect upon your drawing, how your drawing changed as you discussed it with others, and what you personally feel like your drawing is saying about leadership. Include some reasons or examples of why […]

Describe an individual (someone you know personally, not a public figure unless you have had significant personal contact with them) whom you believe demonstrates at least 3 (no more than 5) important leadership qualities. Describe their leadership abilities or qualities, and how you have seen them use these abilities to provide leadership.

In a (minimum of) one page (single spaced) paper, describe an individual (someone you know personally, not a public figure unless you have had significant personal contact with them) whom you believe demonstrates at least 3 (no more than 5) important leadership qualities. Describe their leadership abilities or qualities, and how you have seen them […]

Describe the specific skills you think an executive must have to deliver on the value proposition. Then identify one executive at that firm who appears to be at the center of delivering on that value proposition, and explain which of those skills he or she appears to have and/or lack, properly citing your source.

Top-level managers are an organization’s senior executives. Consider what you can quickly learn about Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk, and describe (with proper citations) the responsibilities he clearly demonstrates and those he does not. Frontline managers, often called operational managers, are lower-level managers who supervise the day-to-day operations of the organization. Thinking about these managers abstractly […]

Explain Based on the case, what metaphor of change were they using and how effective was it?

Write a four to five-pagepaper which includes the following: oOutlinea change strategy for Geibel and Johnsonto use in instilling autonomy in their new teams and to ensure that employees will accept working in a shared environment. The change strategy outlines how they should approach the change. (Hint: Apply all that we have covered so far […]

If you scored below 60 and desire to become a leader, what might you do to increase your readiness to lead?Discuss.

Answer these questions in the short paragraph. I also attach my self-assessment result. Please use this attachment and answer the following questions based on my scores, and read all relating definitions in the assessment for a better understanding 1. Do you agree with your results? 2. If you scored below 60 and desire to become […]

Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization. Are the followers receptive? Would you recommend another strategy? Explain your reasoning. If not, why not?

examine key concepts of leadership in your place of work, or in a social organization to which you may belong that has leadership concepts (Rotary club, athletic team, scout leader, etc). Include the following in your paper: Apply one of the leadership theories from the course text to the organization. Explain how the theory works […]

Provide three specific recommendations for how can you improve your effectiveness as a leader, based on your evaluation of EQ-based strengths and weaknesses. Be sure to explain how and why these recommendations are appropriate, and support your response with appropriate references to concepts about emotional intelligence and best practices in leadership (reaching beyond the Goleman article).

Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, as a leader, using the lenses of the concept of emotional intelligence. Self-assess on each of the emotional intelligence concepts listed in the table on page 4 (Goleman, 2000). Your evaluation should be approximately 200 words. Repeat (a) above, but now evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, as a follower, using […]

Write a paper that defines and describes emotional intelligence. Additionally, detail the value of EI possession among health care leaders. Provide at least 1 example, real or hypothetical, of how emotional intelligence has been or can be used by effective leaders.

Assignment Details Assignment Description Effective leaders can use their emotions in a positive way to benefit their organization, their employees, and stakeholders. Dye and Garman (2006) state, “The most effective leaders have a deeper understanding of their emotion” (p. 18), in their discussion of emotional intelligence (EI) and why it is important. Over the last […]