What are the admission process and the graduation requirements? What do you look for in your candidates to accept them in the program and to graduate them?

Could you talk to me about your educational background and your role in this Education Leadership program? UVI Adjunct Professor of PhD program (supervising 3 students) Moves form Business to Education: AS in Business MBA in Management PhD in Educational Leadership How long has this program been in existence? 2016 What are your program’s vision, […]

Critically analyse the role of leaders in change management involving marketing practices. Assess whether you have a readiness for change and how it may impact your role as a leader with respect to your responsibilities for marketing or more generally. In your evaluation, be sure to include specific examples of prior personal and professional experiences.

To prepare for this Individual Assignment: Read and view the attached Learning Resources Review the attached Key Concept Exercise. Consider the role of marketing professionals in change management involving marketing practices. To complete this Individual Assignment: In an approximately 1,400-word response, address the following issues/questions: Critically analyse the role of leaders in change management involving […]

Explain.Strategic financial leadership is integrally linked to effective board work, to effective executive leadership, and to strategic management.explain the ways that they should be linked, including the ways that financial leadership should be linked to strategic planning.

Strategic financial leadership is integrally linked to effective board work, to effective executive leadership, and to strategic management. Please explain the ways that they should be linked, including the ways that financial leadership should be linked to strategic planning.

Write a 2–3 page reflective essay describing the leadership barriers that military leaders frequently encounter in both peacetime and during conflict given the diversity of the force and the more common practice of operating in a joint environment

Write a 2–3 page reflective essay describing the leadership barriers that military leaders frequently encounter in both peacetime and during conflict given the diversity of the force and the more common practice of operating in a joint environment Include a proposed solution for the barriers discussed as well as potential training required in order to […]

Identify the leadership theories that inform it, and then discuss why this theory would be helpful in your particular leadership situation.

In this paper, you will draw from different approaches as discussed in Northouse and Keohane to develop your own theory of leadership and applies it to your workplace or other leadership situation. As you develop a theory of leadership, you should clearly identify the leadership theories that inform it, and then discuss why this theory […]

Explain How correctional leaders can keep their ethics in check

Topic: How correctional leaders can keep their ethics in check Paper details: • Write a 500-word (4-5 paragraph) summary of the article. • There should be no opinion or commentary—only summarize what the author(s) said. • Plagiarism will not be allowed • Include the word count at the end of the paper; e.g.: Word Count: […]

What went wrong in the formation of the Green Team? What should Excel Pro have done differently? Justify your answer.

What went wrong in the formation of the Green Team? What should Excel Pro have done differently? Justify your answer.•What conditions contribute to this team’s cohesiveness? What reduces its cohesiveness?•What do you think of the points plan? How should Excel Pro’s management help the Green Team manage its conflict?What styles of conflict resolution (based on […]

Determine how leadership impacts the organizational culture during this change

Competency Examine leadership’s role in executing successful change. Instructions Delta Pacific Case Study Click for more options As the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC), you know certain elements need to be in place by leadership for a change to be successful. DPC wants to change the culture from the more traditional manufacturing environment […]

Discuss and explain various concepts of leadership and managerial roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities and the impact to the organization.

Discuss and explain various concepts of leadership and managerial roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities and the impact to the organization. Examine the practical application of proactive versus reactive thinking, complex problem solving, and other approaches to creativity and innovation as they apply to administrative and clinical leadership and management. Select and recommend various problem-solving and decision-making […]