Describe your role as an organizational-level leader in your current organization.

REFERENCE PROVIDED The SGM plays a vital role in the development of organizations and its leaders. The level of responsibility of a SGM and spheres of influence will multiply exponentially. While the level of complexity will seem overwhelming at times, and forces a SGM to either adapt to this new environment or fall to the […]

Explain,which category your topic and intervention are under (community or leadership)

In collaboration with the approved course preceptor, students will identify a specific evidence-based topic for the capstone project change proposal. Write a 150-250 word summary explaining which category your topic and intervention are under (community or leadership) Topic: teenager pregnancy in kern county California USA (community)

Reflect on how the concept of framing, as introduced in this program by Bolman and Deal (Reframing Leadership) and Fairhurst (Framing: The Language of Leadership), relates to the concepts proposed by Edmonson and Jarzabkowski in this course. Consider how framing occurs or may best contribute to strategizing from multiple levels of the organization.

Reflect on how the concept of framing, as introduced in this program by Bolman and Deal (Reframing Leadership) and Fairhurst (Framing: The Language of Leadership), relates to the concepts proposed by Edmonson and Jarzabkowski in this course. Consider how framing occurs or may best contribute to strategizing from multiple levels of the organization.

Discuss the behaviors that DPC’s leaders need to exhibit to ensure a positive and successful cultural shift for the long-term.

Analyze leadership and management roles in change management Evaluate different change management models. Examine various roles in change management. Analyze methods for understanding and mapping change in an organization. Critique strategies for removing barriers to change. Examine leadership’s role in executing successful change. You serve as the change leader for Delta Pacific Company (DPC). Up […]

Develop a list of your own leadership characteristics and personality traits,Compare and contrast the two lists. Determine apparent differences. Discuss these differences and the reasons why men and women differ in their approaches to leadership.

Develop a list of your own leadership characteristics and personality traits. Once that is complete, select another leader of the opposite gender and develop a list of the personality traits or behavior of this person. Compare and contrast the two lists. Determine apparent differences. Discuss these differences and the reasons why men and women differ […]

Briefly summarize how your leadership development plan specifically prepares incoming employees in the selected leadership position for their role.

Part I: Leadership Context (2 pages) 1. Choose and describe a specific context and a leadership role within that context. For example, you could choose a well-known company and its CEO or a manager in that company, or you might choose a particular government agency and a leadership title within that agency. Once you have […]

Describe how the use of professionalism in one’s skills and abilities as a leader impact effective talent development and employee retention.

Analyze evidence-based best practices for human resource management used in creating an employee-centered organization as those best practices relate to the organization’s vision, mission, culture, and strategy. Analyze best practices and expectations for accountability in human resource management and talent development in health care organizations. Explain how enforcing accountability can help an organization achieve established […]

Discuss on the Gaps the Army has in the training and Doctrine command (TRADOC) when it comes to Leader Development in the Army.

Write a 3 page paper on the Gaps the Army has in the training and Doctrine command (TRADOC) when it comes to Leader Development in the Army. The analysis will include: 1. Selecting a problem. (Leader Development in the Army) 2. Collecting and researching information 3. Constructing a clear and concise white paper on an […]

Discuss how the quality of corporate governance affects the quality of financial reporting.

Investigate how the quality of corporate governance affects the quality of financial reporting. You could explore various aspects of corporate governance such as: characteristics of board of directors (board size, board leadership, board independence), institutional ownership, CEO characteristics, ownership concentration, etc.