Why is the event happening? Who is organizing it? Who may attend it? When is it? What is the event’s history? What have past responses to similar events been like? What other special information can you share about the event?

[You are to write 2 pages detailing an upcoming event at college, a local community center, your church, or a similar location. (Since this is 2020, you can even choose a virtual event; they seem to be happening constantly!) Why is the event happening? Who is organizing it? Who may attend it? When is it? […]

What should be done to prevent such unethical, illegal behavior from taking place in the future?

What prompted an industry leader like Volkswagen to act the way it did? Were the fines imposed appropriate or were they exaggerated to appease the public? What should be done to prevent such unethical, illegal behavior from taking place in the future? To the class: Since there are companies that act unethically and illegally, should […]

What should be done to arrive at an acceptable budget amount? Describe the steps necessary to ensure an acceptable budget amount is present.

Topic: Often, the sum of the initial estimated costs is greater than the amount of funds budgeted by the sponsor. What should be done to arrive at an acceptable budget amount? Describe the steps necessary to ensure an acceptable budget amount is present. Paper details: Subject is “Project Management”

What are the most important theories, arguments, or ideas? How does the information relate to the topics addressed for the scheduled seminar/Chapter readings?

discussion leaders are required to submit a 3 – 5 page (APA Style) summary of the reading, which should follow the outline below. General Guidelines: 1) Provide and overview. a. Summarize major points What are the most important theories, arguments, or ideas? How does the information relate to the topics addressed for the scheduled seminar/Chapter […]

Explain the ways that effective communication improves employee trust and engagement. Focus on comparing/contrasting two types of channels or techniques (e.g., on-site meetings, employee surveys, workshops).

Paper details: Feel free to use the channels or techniques discussed in “Communication Provides Foundation for Being a Best Place to Work” by Kathleen Skidmore-Williams—an article that is located in the Unit IV Required Reading section—or feel free to research your own. Your assignment should include the components below: Explain why communication is essential in […]

Analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis.

or this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both […]

Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues. Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.

Paper details: Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jim’s annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes each day, either. It is starting to cause […]