You are the Human Resources director for a new fast-food restaurant, expanding into new markets in the United States. The job analysis is complete for all positions in the restaurant and now it is time to conduct a job evaluation in the new market. What might be some challenges in determining appropriate compensation for the […]
Category Archives: Management
Describe the process that you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.
Describe the process that you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5. Present a brief outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverable. Review the processes and outlines of other students, providing objective feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of […]
Identify a person that you consider a leader,Explain his/her behavior using at least two leadership theories discussed during this week
Identify a person that you consider a leader Explain his/her behavior using at least two leadership theories discussed during this week Compare and contrast your evaluation with each theory and mention which areas are similar and different
Explain How does the organizational experience change for the actors involved?
Briefly predict and paint a picture of what the situation looks like AFTER implementation of your recommended solution. How would the situation as outlined in your response to number one (above) change? How does the organizational experience change for the actors involved? Please note this is not a conclusion; it is a prediction of what […]
Discuss:Is there a manner in which an employer can accommodate an individual with a contagious disease? Does the classification of the disease matter?
The ADA classifies and protects individuals who carry contagious diseases as disabled individuals. Is there a manner in which an employer can accommodate an individual with a contagious disease? Does the classification of the disease matter? Use the Internet, if necessary, to inform your answer. Respond to at least two classmates’ posts on this subject, […]
Explain:Do you think performance appraisals should be done? If yes, what are some desirable outcomes and how to those outweigh potential negative outcomes? If no, what are some negative outcome and how do those outweigh potential positive outcomes?
Do you think performance appraisals should be done? If yes, what are some desirable outcomes and how to those outweigh potential negative outcomes? If no, what are some negative outcome and how do those outweigh potential positive outcomes?
Explain:Do you believe that gender stereotyping in marketing leads to discrimination? Could this have an effect on how employees perceive the company? Do you think companies should consider how they market their products as part of their diversity efforts?
Do you believe that gender stereotyping in marketing leads to discrimination? Could this have an effect on how employees perceive the company? Do you think companies should consider how they market their products as part of their diversity efforts? Explain.
Explain how employment law provides rights to employees and employers, and the steps employers must take to comply with employment law.
What is employment “at will” and under what circumstances is an employer restricted from terminating an at-will employee without cause? What disability-related information does the law prohibit an employer from asking an applicant for employment, and what actions must an employer take when hiring an employee with disabilities? Are there limits to what an employer […]
What types of strategies can Rowdy use to train and develop its employees in ways that will promote overall company success as well as the professional success of employees?
What types of strategies can Rowdy use to train and develop its employees in ways that will promote overall company success as well as the professional success of employees? What types of recognition and rewards would be most advantageous for the multicultural, multigenerational talent pool at the company? What are three best practices Rowdy could […]
What non-technical skills and traits will you emphasize in the internal job listing? Why? What three questions will you ask in interviews to evaluate these skills?
What non-technical skills and traits will you emphasize in the internal job listing? Why? What three questions will you ask in interviews to evaluate these skills? With the differing values and characteristics of the pool of candidates, what three challenges do you see for the expatriates selected? Is it important to send a team that […]