What similarities and differences can  hear between my two choices?

Non-Western and Western Music The critical thinking checklist will help you gather the evidence to support your assertion that you have chosen a Western or a non-Western musical style/choice. For each piece of music, write at least 1 paragraph that fully explains all of the items on the critical thinking checklist. Be sure to provide […]

How was the music industry tied to this medium,-what were the musical results of such a relationship?

How did television play a role in the rock and pop music industry from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s? How was the music industry tied to this medium, and what were the musical results of such a relationship? Do you think TV had a negative impact on radio and the record industry? Include a brief […]

Describe how the scholar treats this issue and why it is important to the central purposes of the reading.

PROMPT: Choose either Shuker 2001 or Roediger 1999 for this response. Write 200 words about one or two central issues from your chosen reading. Describe how the scholar treats this issue and why it is important to the central purposes of the reading. Be specific and give page references if necessary. Next, write 200 words […]

Briefly discuss what was happening in american history at the time this singer/songwriter was composing this music

Folk Music Purpose: To discover the meanings and sounds of a musical genre known as Folk Music.For our use, we will use the following working definitions of Folk Music: 1. Music that arises principally in rural areas and is passed down by oral tradition, is performed mainly by amateur musicians, is widely known at all […]

Explain first written assignment will be between the Middle Ages/Renaissance era and the Baroque era.

Description written assignment will be a 2 page summary giving an analysis of each era. In this case the first written assignment will be between the Middle Ages/Renaissance era and The Baroque era. Within this summary provide the following: *Key notable figures * Musical characteristics associated with that particular style * Musical similarities between the […]

Write a summary and review about the event and its cultural significance.

Watch the following youtube video: Mexico’s Celebration of Life: The Day of the Dead | Festivals | TRACKS LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT0Q89itsOo&ab_channel=TRACKS Watch this youtube video about the Day of the Dead festival and write a summary and review about the event and its cultural significance.

What is the relationship between the movements/songs? Are they similar or different in tempo, dynamics, texture, tonality, meter, range of intensity?Discuss

When listening to a piece for analysis, here are some handy things to listen for and questions to ask yourself about the music. Use this as your guide for analyses. Although these terms may not make sense to you at the moment, revisit this list as we cover topics like Rhythm or Harmony and revisit […]

What do you understand by the term Global Popular Musics?Discuss

Description Please note I need the script for the presentation and powerpoint and .PDF files. I will then record the presentation from the script provided. Assignment: 10-minute recorded presentation addressing the following question: “What do you understand by the term Global Popular Musics? With specific reference to one musical genre or style, discuss how popular […]

Explore the life of composer William Grant Still and the context of the world at their time. Then explore jazz, blues, and swing. Compare/contrast these styles with the music of William Grant Still.

Explore the life of composer William Grant Still and the context of the world at their time. Then explore jazz, blues, and swing. Compare/contrast these styles with the music of William Grant Still.