Explore the lives of Robert and Clara Schumann. Include a discussion of the changing role of women in nineteenth century music. Elaborate on Clara Schumann’s role as a major figure in the romantic period. How does Robert and Clara Schumann’s music compare? Contrast? How did their personal lives affect their musical lives and vice versa?

Explore the lives of Robert and Clara Schumann. Include a discussion of the changing role of women in nineteenth century music. Elaborate on Clara Schumann’s role as a major figure in the romantic period. How does Robert and Clara Schumann’s music compare? Contrast? How did their personal lives affect their musical lives and vice versa?

“During the baroque period, musicians often played with amateurs in music clubs or university music societies, getting together in private homes, coffee-houses, and taverns.” Explain how this differs or is the same as our world today. Explain how The Baroque Period was different than The Classical Period. Include the exploration of the city of Vienna during The Classical Period. Incorporate in your exploration the music and lives of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven in this city.

“During the baroque period, musicians often played with amateurs in music clubs or university music societies, getting together in private homes, coffee-houses, and taverns.” Explain how this differs or is the same as our world today. Explain how The Baroque Period was different than The Classical Period. Include the exploration of the city of Vienna […]

What is the relationship between the movements/songs? Are they similar or different in tempo, dynamics, texture, tonality, meter, range of intensity?Discuss

Sound, Harmony, Melody, Rhythm, & Growth (SHMRG)When listening to a piece for analysis, here are some handy things to listen for and questions to ask yourself about the music. Use this as your guide for analyses. Although these terms may not make sense to you at the moment, revisit this list as we cover topics […]

How is the music used? Is it foregrounded or underscored?Has the original recording been adapted in any way e.g. have the lyrics been changed to reflect the product?Discuss

Assessment 2 Assessment task: Written Assignment – Report Weighting: 70% Date/time/method of submission: . Word count or equivalent: 2500 words (+/-10%) Assessment Briefing: Consider how copyrights are exploited in a visual context. Research and source a television or online advertisement of your choice and analyse the following: 1. How is the music used? Is it […]

Define music as you think an African would. Use at least three specific examples from the Africa lectures to support your definition.

part1 (1page):I attached 3 powerpoints related to this, Write a short essay (about 1 page) on the following topic: Define music as you think an African would. Use at least three specific examples from the Africa lectures to support your definition. ==================================== part2(1.5 pages): latin America file attached, Please answer these questions about the Latin […]

Describe the concept of raga.Discuss about its context in Indian music, and describe the types of rules that are used for raga.

part1( attached file): Write a 1-page essay thoroughly describing the concept of raga. Be sure to talk about its context in Indian music, and describe the types of rules that are used for raga. Please be sure to use the information from the powerpoint lecture, not information that you find on the internet. There is […]

Using one of the three essay template styles discussed in They Say I Say (yes; no; or yes, but) write an 8 – 10 page research paper about a specific aspect of an artistic piece of your choice.

Using one of the three essay template styles discussed in They Say I Say (yes; no; or yes, but) write an 8 – 10 page research paper about a specific aspect of an artistic piece of your choice.

Using one of the three essay template styles discussed in TSIS (yes; no; or yes, but) write an 8 – 10 page research paper about a specific aspect of an artistic piece of your choice.

Using one of the three essay template styles discussed in TSIS (yes; no; or yes, but) write an 8 – 10 page research paper about a specific aspect of an artistic piece of your choice.