Write about musical function using the theory we read about in the summary of Alan Merriam’s book (on Canvas as “Merriam’s Musical FunctionsPreview the document”) and which we’ve been using in class.

Description For this assignment, you will examine your own life using one of the core concepts from this course: musical function, as theorized by Alan MerriamPreview the document. Be sure to follow the instructions below and on the course syllabus. (Failure to follow instructions will result in a lowered grade.) The minimum length of this […]

Discuss something you learned related to music and wellness through a social justice lens or from a culture different than yours

Please provide the following in your initial paper. Use this to compare/contrast for your final individual reflection paper. 1. 2-3 pages length (cover page if applicable or reference page do NOT count towards this) 2. Times New Roman or Arial font 3. 12-size font 4. Double-spaced 6. Include your current definition of wellness and how […]

Discuss What did you find most interesting about Harnish’s article? What did you find most confusing about Harnish’s article? Or, what would you like to know more about?

make sure you have read the article by David Harnish, “Teletubbies in Paradise. please address the following questions: What did you find most interesting about Harnish’s article? What did you find most confusing about Harnish’s article? Or, what would you like to know more about? According to Harnish’s article, about when did gamelan gong kebyar […]

What musical forms or structures did you notice? Was there a good balance of repetition and contrast in these pieces? What aspects were inventive or surprising? Which elements were attractive?

Review the items below ahead of time, perhaps even bringing them with you! While it is important to be supportive of the performers and allow yourself to continue to simply enjoy the music, some added levels of appreciation and sensitivity can make your experience richer. Here are some things to consider and comment on in […]

Based on Schoenberg’s comments, what do you think Schoenberg believed art’s responsibility was? Do you agree?Explain.

Schoenberg famously disliked Weill’s and Brecht’s music, saying that it showed “a lack of conscience” and “a disturbing lack of responsibility.” Based on Schoenberg’s comments, what do you think Schoenberg believed art’s responsibility was? Do you agree? Please don’t use work cited page

What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for?When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they?

-What instrument do they play? -Where and how did they get their start professionally? -What specific style or movement in Jazz are they most well known for? -When and how did they first reach public recognition? How popular were they? -What other well-known musicians did they perform or record with? -What song(s) and/or recordings are […]

Analyse and contextualise a professional performed event, a musical recording or piece of process performance work of the candidate’s own choosing.

1. This essay will analyse and contextualise a professional performed event, a musical recording or piece of process performance work of the candidate’s own choosing. 2. This essay will analyse and contextualise a piece of critical writing of the candidate’s own choosing. This can be a journal article, chapter of a book or whole academic […]

Select one song from your personal collection. It can come from any genre, style, country, or culture. Listen to it several times and write a 1-page prose description of its musical features.

In this assignment, you will gain experience recognizing and describing musical features in a musical example from around the world and music in your own life. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions below and on the course syllabus. (Failure to follow directions will result in a lowered grade.) The minimum length of this paper […]

What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs?

What kind of imagery is conveyed in the lyrics? What attitudes and behaviors are expressed in the lyrics? What do you notice about similarities and differences among the various lyrics from the two different songs? This question is optional. Are there any other observations you made about the two songs lyrics that relate to any […]

Which type of music (discussed in chapter 68) is used (Underscoring – source music – leitmotif) ? Explain why.

1. Embed a video that shows an excerpt of the film or video game (an excerpt that highlights the music). 2. Which type of music (discussed in chapter 68) is used (Underscoring – source music – leitmotif) ? Explain why. 3. Are there particular moments when you think the music is used most effectively? Describe […]