Describe what elements you have identified that you believe reflect the Puerto Rico culture and why? Or Why do you think music is so important to the people in Puerto Rico and to Puerto Ricans living in the United States?

Paper details: Read the Puerto Rican Music Document and for this assignment find a song that may have Puerto Rican influences. In a 250 post describe what elements you have identified that you believe reflect the Puerto Rico culture and why? Or Why do you think music is so important to the people in Puerto […]

Which performance do you find most effective and compatible with the emotions of Queen Dido at this particular moment of the story?

FOR THE READING MATERIAL I WILL HAVE TO LET YOU LOG INTO MY DIGITAL BOOK. So let me know when you accept this assignment and I will send you the login information for the reading. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate a knowledge of how music intensifies emotion – one of the main […]

What elements of improvisation are evident in the musical accompaniment provided in each example?Explain.

Back In Your Own Back Yard (Billie Holiday) Flying Home (Ella Fitzgerald) Similarities and Differences Tempo (slow, medium, fast, dance-like?) Swing feel (Do you sense a weak, medium, or strong rhythmic pulse? Which song has a stronger pulse?) Syncopation (Is there evidence of syncopation or tugging and pulling against the musical pulse?) Lyrics (What story, […]

Try to select (5) of the songs to analyze much in the way we did our lyric analysis. Note the rhyme types, type of composition, quote and point to notable lyrics, and discuss the rhyming patterns.

1) Try to select (5) of the songs to analyze much in the way we did our lyric analysis. Note the rhyme types, type of composition, quote and point to notable lyrics, and discuss the rhyming patterns. 2) After listening to the mixtape as a whole, analyze the rhetorical messages embedded throughout the entire collection […]

Explain.It becomes clear in “A Rose for Emily” that Miss Emily may be suffering from some form of mental illness or psychological disorder. Do you think Miss Emily is mentally ill or psychologically disturbed? Why or why not?

The prompts for your exam are… Prompt 1: It becomes clear in “A Rose for Emily” that Miss Emily may be suffering from some form of mental illness or psychological disorder. Do you think Miss Emily is mentally ill or psychologically disturbed? Why or why not? Explain your response.

What music period is this piece from. Explain. What is the genre of the music? Explain.

Please watch the video and answer the following questions in paragraphs NOT bullet or numbered points. Moscow City Symphony “Russian Philharmonic” Conductor — Michail Jurowski Moscow International House of Music, Svetlanov Hall June 20, 2012 Write an essay a minimum of 2 pages, 12pt Times New Roman, Double-spaced, 1″ margins all around. Please include the […]

Compare and contrast New Orleans Jazz and Chicago Dixieland Jazz

Paper details: Hi Need paper. Compare and contrast New Orleans Jazz and Chicago Dixieland Jazz Very important: think about how your topic relates to issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, or other definers of identity. Must be only SCHOLARLY resources (3 minimum) from Proquest and JSTOR. The citations to be in MLA formatting. thanks!

How does nationalism play a role in Nineteenth century music?

How does nationalism play a role in Nineteenth century music? What constitutes a nation or an ethnic group? View the final scene of La Bohème . Explain the plot of the final scene. What made Luciano Pavarotti such a legendary performer? Support your position with articles, links, and/or videos.

Compare and contrast a four Ps approach to marketing versus the value approach (creating, communicating, and delivering value).

Assignment One Chapter 1 Compare and contrast a four Ps approach to marketing versus the value approach (creating, communicating, and delivering value). Select and examine these approaches for at least one routine and non-routine problem. What would you expect to be the same and what would you expect to be different between two companies that apply […]