What is timbre, and why is important to our understanding of music?

1.) Copy/Paste each instrument from the following list into its correct section in the orchestra (listed further below). Then, provide a description of each instrument which includes what material(s) it is made from, how it is played, its range (relatively high, low, or middle within its section), and any other unique features about the instrument. […]

Do you have any associations with music that is composed electronically?

Answer the following discussion questions in 60-80 words each: Film Scoring incorporates elements of Renaissance through Modern Western European Classical Tradition, while also incorporating sounds from World Music cultures all depending on what is needed for the story. What film scores do YOU enjoy? Do you ever listen to music from film scores? Video Games […]

List and describe some of the techniques that Spector developed, and how they affected the sound of his recordings.

Phil Spector 1. Phil Spector was an important producer who created an original sound and recording style. First, list and describe some of the techniques that Spector developed, and how they affected the sound of his recordings. 2. Then, from the list below choose two songs produced by Phil Spector, and describe how they reflect […]

Does the environment/ location in which they are performing add to the experience? Distract? Create ambience? Appropriate to the work?

Concert report (Baroque period) Research video: https://youtu.be/_V7oujd9djk The performance of Bach Brandenburg Concerto 5 Link (Links to an external site.)contains all three movements. Students will need to write on all three movements. The first movement is allegro, the second movement is adagio, and the last movement is allegro. Begin your report by describing the instruments […]

How are the characteristics of progressive rock prevalent in this album? Identify specific elements in specific songs.

Music Question – Choose any rock album that ever reached 1 on the billboard chart. – Then write a 1-2 page essay summarizing the following: – Personnel. Who plays on the album? Which tracks? Do they solo and on which tunes? – The making of the album, how it came together, who led the recording […]

How were sweet and hot jazz coded in racial terms, and how did they impact the popularization of jazz during the Jazz Age?

Explain the difference between sweet and hot jazz, identifying at least two specific musical characteristics of each style. How were sweet and hot jazz coded in racial terms, and how did they impact the popularization of jazz during the Jazz Age?  

Do you believe that art and aesthetic appreciation can make one a better person? How?

Is there a difference in quality between current popular music and so-called classical music? Is there any plausible argument that one ought to prefer one to the other? In what sense do we believe in objects or characters in fiction? Does it make sense to say that a work of art (say, a novel) is […]

Do you think it is good for young women, especially those who participate in the culture, to know what women contributed?

“Mother of the Mic” – TWO LINKS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUu_5AWh18oLinks to an external site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5abzQ47WDJULinks to an external site. – Simply describe what you saw in the clips and how it struck you. Summarize the links you just saw. Anything surprise you? – How did women in the ’90s started to address misogyny in hip-hop? – We […]

What do these compositions tell us about musical adaptability in both traditions?

Module 6: Critical Evaluation of Gamelan/Western Hybrid Compositions Listen to the Chapter 7 Spotify tracks 19, 23, 25, and 26 (see embedded playlist below). Write an essay two paragraphs long (200-250 words each) analyzing these tracks in a critical, objective way. These tracks are gamelan/western “hybrid” compositions, meaning they combine musical elements found in both […]

How do the musicians communicate with each other when playing?

Jazz History Concert Report 1 Concert Report is in three sections and is due along with the first Concert Report by the last day of classes: For the first section, listen to Miles Davis “So What,” Stan Getz “Girl from Ipaniema” and Miles Davis “Burn” in the you tube videos below and answer the following […]