How are the instruments being used (to create ambience/mood, to accompany the action in the scene, or something else)?

Film Scene Paper 1.)Who wrote the music for the film? 2.)What scene are you watching? 3.)What type or types of instruments do you hear being used? (SLO 4.)What types of musical devices are you hearing (e.g., dynamics, rhythmic articulations, crescendos, decrescendos, etc.) (SLO 1) 5.)How are the instruments being used (to create ambience/mood, to accompany […]

Discuss your reaction to the music, tell what you enjoyed most and why; also what was not your favorite and why.

Music Watch Tell what performance the critique will discuss, the “who, what, when, and where” as it were. • Write a few words about your preparation for the event. • Note what you observe about other performance attenders in terms of dress, etiquette, engagement in the performance, etc. • Tell something about the appearance […]

Why do you think this symphony, arguably the most famous in musical history, has such a profound effect on so many people?

Listening Journal 5 Listen to all of Beethoven&x27;s Symphony No. 5 in C Minor. In your journal, describe the effect each movement of this symphony has on you–that is, your emotional as well as intellectual reaction. Why do you think this symphony, arguably the most famous in musical history, has such a profound effect on […]

How do you relate to music that is supposed to convey specific meanings, when the references may not be known to you?

In the listenings for Weeks 3 and 4 we have encountered two very different kinds of music. One, a music that organizes itself around references to history, quotation, embedded meanings, messages and evocations (Berg Violin Concerto, Bartok Piano Concerto second movement, Webern in the Bach orchestration). And the other, a music that seems to function […]

Describe and compare our excerpts (both the Hallelujah Chorus and “Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion”) from G. F. Handel’s Messiah and J. S. Bach’s Cantata No. 140 Wachet Auf.

Listening Journal 4 Describe and compare our excerpts (both the Hallelujah Chorus and “Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion”) from G. F. Handel’s Messiah and J. S. Bach’s Cantata No. 140 Wachet Auf. Topics could include the historical or social context of each composition and the composers’ background. You may also address the use of […]

Can you draw parallels between this coming-of-age ceremony and others that you may be familiar with?

Critical Thinking about Balinese Culture, Potong Gigi, Tooth Filing Ceremony Background Information: The video in this assignment provides a rather recent look at a coming-of-age Hindu ritual performed on all Balinese girls and boys: a tooth filing ceremony. When a young man’s voice changes and a young girl begins her menstrual cycle, usually between ages […]

What do these compositions tell us about musical adaptability in both traditions?

Evaluation of Gamelan/Western Hybrid Compositions Listen to the Chapter 7 Spotify tracks 19, 23, 25, and 26 (see embedded playlist below). Write an essay two paragraphs long (200-250 words each) analyzing these tracks in a critical, objective way. These tracks are gamelan/western “hybrid” compositions, meaning they combine musical elements found in both traditions. Here are […]

How did Baroque composers bring drama and contrast into their music?

1.Who is Tielman Susato and what is Danserye? Describe contents, form of the pieces, two ‘ways’ musicians could perform the pieces. 2.What was the role of women in secular and sacred music during the Baroque Era? Give 2 women composers as examples, what music they are known for and how they had their music presented […]

How does the performer weave aspects of a recognizable melody through the texture as they improvise?

You will pick from one of the Jazz musicians who are known for their improv skills, Listen for how the melody /harmony of each “standard tune” is first presented relatively straightforwardly, and then varied through several repetitions. How does the performer weave aspects of a recognizable melody through the texture as they improvise? Are there […]

discuss the topic in the news article you chose and how it is connected to the historical material we have studied thus far. 

Now that we have examined the background of hip hop and discussed the four elements, let’s bring the discussion into the present. Hip hop has become a global phenomenon that has gone beyond just the music and the four elements. For this discussion, find a news article no older than one month that is related […]