Create a PowerPoint discussing Mahler as a musical composer.

You will create a PowerPoint discussing Mahler as a musical composer. INSTRUCTIONS Create a PowerPoint Presentation 10-12 slides (12 for maximum score) Include a title slide at the beginning and a bibliography slide at the end Include an introduction, body of content, and a conclusion Use at least three scholarly resources Cite sources parenthetically (Lincoln, […]

Write an example speech for each of the three types of speeches. (impromptu, informative, persuasive)

Write an example speech for each of the three types of speeches. (impromptu, informative, persuasive) The speeches should be organized like an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Keep in mind what makes each speech type different from the others. The introduction of each of the speeches must have a different approach to getting […]

Write an example speech for each of the three types of speeches. (impromptu, informative, persuasive) The speeches should be organized like an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Write an example speech for each of the three types of speeches. (impromptu, informative, persuasive) The speeches should be organized like an essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Keep in mind what makes each speech type different from the others. The introduction of each of the speeches must have a different approach to getting […]

Describe and compare the O viridissima virga (“O Greenest Branch”) by Hildegard of Bingen and the First Response from Viderunt Omnes (“All the Ends of the Earth”) by Léonin.

Listening Journal 2 Describe and compare the O viridissima virga (“O Greenest Branch”) by Hildegard of Bingen and the First Response from Viderunt Omnes (“All the Ends of the Earth”) by Léonin. Topics could include the historical or social context of each composition and the composers’ background. You may also address the use of musical […]

How was this performance different from other live music performances you have seen?

Topic: Concert Critique Observe one virtual performance. Submit a paper in MLA format for each of the performances that you attend. Each paper must be a minimum of 500 words. Subjective Information: What was good or bad about the venue? How much interaction was there with the audience? Did the performers speak to the audience? […]

Can they open their eyes spontaneously, name, DOB, where they are, are they confused, are they mumbling words? Motor response- Can they move their arms and legs-Push and use fingers.

Online final exam 28.What are signs and symptoms of hyperglycemia versus hypoglycemia. What are the three Ps? Hyperglycemia- increased glucose. Polyuria- excessive urination. Polydipsia- excessive thirst. Polyphagia- excessive hunger. Hypoglycemia- cold, pallor, fatigue, hungry, low blood sugar, sweaty, more fatal than hyperglycemia. 29.Review the difference between primary and secondary brain injury Primary brain injury – […]

How did these two composers create a path for the Avant Garde composers who flourished after WWII?

This assignment is intended to allow you to demonstrate your ability to “critically evaluate the influence of social, political, technological, and/or cultural ideas on music; articulate the significance of music as an art form within historical, cultural and social contexts; and use effective oral, written, and visual means to communicate an informed personal reaction to […]

Does the body of your essay support your topic statement-Does everything you Say point back toward your topic in continuity?

During the semester, our goal is to discover and define meaning in music from different cultures and time periods. In Discussion 1, you listened to a piece of music and made a topic on whether the music was happy or sad. There are certain characteristics in music that informs a listener of the mood of […]

Are these protests sustainable, and can the musical soundtrack remain consistent going forward?

Soundtrack of a Movement The events of the past few weeks since the death of George Floyd in South Minneapolis have dramatically changed the course of Minnesota and the United States. Dramatic protests and outpourings of help and change have canvased the Twin Cities and the surrounding area. Protests and movements for social change have […]