What is the argument of your chosen source-What is the source trying to do or what is its purpose?

Mini-Rhetorical Analysis of Inside LilNasX’s Record-Breaking, Culture-Changing Summer This does not have to be very formal. You may use casual language or the first person. You may also just copy and paste the questions into a word document and type your answers below each question. This does not have to be formatted like a formal […]

What was your previous knowledge of Hawaii’s history, particularly the Hawaiian Kingdom (if any)?

Hawaii – Historical Context Short Essay – 500 word minimum – Times New Roman or Calibri, double spaced. After reading “The Conquest of Hawaii” and “The Overthrow of the Monarchy” please respond to the following prompts: What was your previous knowledge of Hawaii’s history, particularly the Hawaiian Kingdom (if any)? What did you learn of […]

What does Mitchell emphasize in the international reception of hip-hop?

Reflection 3 Review the first 12 pages of Tony Mitchell’s analysis of international hip-hop, the reading assigned for Tuesday. For your response (1-2 pages, 12-point font, double-spaced), we would like you to identify two ideas from the reading that you find compelling. What does Mitchell emphasize in the international reception of hip-hop? For your response.Apply […]

How does the music highlight the historical connections-dynamic between the United States-the Caribbean, whether in terms of lyrics-sound/samples?

Reflection 2 We are focusing on the history of New York City (The Bronx) and Jamaica during this week. In that spirit, listen to the Fugees’ album “The Score” (1996). For your weekly reflection, we’d like you to write 300-380words that highlight two links that hear between hip-hop and reggae on the album. How does […]

What- who do you turn to when you want to learn more?- For this prompt, the idea that is engaging would be playing the drums.

1.Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?- For this prompt, the idea that is engaging would be playing the drums.

Explain the details of the concert: who were the performers, was it live-virtual, where/when, etc.

Concert Reflection Watch this virtual concert h https://youtu.be/-XOVLlf-MPM Then, in 2-3 page paper (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font), please address thefollowing points:● Explain the details of the concert: who were the performers, was it live orvirtual, where/when, etc.● Utilizing the research tools that  have introduced in this class, provide somehistorical context for the music that was […]

What aspects of the piece reveal it to be representative of a particular historical period-How does this type of listening affect your experience of the piece?

As opposed to a research paper, this assignment is intended to help you sharpen your skills in thinking and writing about music experienced while witnessing a ‘live’ performance. Although your original observations are the main focus, it is important that you demonstrate the knowledge and vocabulary below. Be sure to watch the concert here and […]

When do you think the music was recorded?-If applicable, who is the artist?

On the link above, you will find a recording of a musical piece that is not on the recordings that accompany your textbook. Based on the course materials you should write a report of no less than 200 words that addresses the following questions: (The song in the link is “La Bruja” by Conjunto Jardin […]

What kinds of expectations might audience members have had when encountering a new work in this genre?

Musical Work 1. Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work you have chosen, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which the work was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this work? 2. Who composed the work? Describe at least three […]

How did musicians create music that fit the uses of the Christian church during these periods

Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Periods Of Music-Provide an informed paper on one of the suggested topics below: Text and music – this might focus on song overall, or a particular kind of song Instrumental Virtuosity Music in the Church – how did musicians create music that fit the uses of the Christian church during these […]