Which classification of voters has increased, decreased or remained the same ?

Chapter 9 Read, review the following two items and look for patterns and trends. 1) 9.0 US Party ID 88 to 08 Gallup.pdfDownload 9.0 US Party ID 88 to 08 Gallup.pdf 2) 9.2 CA historical-reg-stats 1998-2018.pdfDownload 9.2 CA historical-reg-stats 1998-2018.pdf For the 10 points in Canvas write one page or less discussing changes in political […]

Do you think Plato is radical or conservative in his views on women?

Choose any 1 of the topics below : 1. Thrasymachus maintains that justice is whatever is in the interest of the stronger, that is, those in power determine what is right and wrong according to what they perceive to be to their advantage. Socrates gets Thrasymachus to agree that ruling is an art, and that, […]

Explain how Lincoln underlined the importance of natural law for a natural rights theory in his debate with Douglas.

Popular Sovereignty and the Transmission Theory Explain the origins and meaning of the theory of popular sovereignty. Then, explain the related transmission theory. Briefly state the characteristics of the transmission of authority in a democracy. (You must have five citations from the book. These need not be quotations, but citations, as in, Simon, page . […]

Discuss the contributions and limitations of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism in their explanations of global politics.

– Discuss the contributions and limitations of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism in their explanations of global politics. Describe how each theory assigns importance to particular actors and processes. What other theoretical approaches address global politics? – The bulk of your answer should address the three main Global Politics theories identified in the beginning of the […]

How might the English School theoretical tradition of world society (revolutionism) explain humanitarian intervention.

Assessment Task 3 Essay falls under category of International Relations. Here is the essay question: Regarding the relationship between order, violence and justice, how might the English School theoretical tradition of world society (revolutionism) explain humanitarian intervention.

How do historical, social, political, economic, and cultural forces in Texas lead to the legislature’s and parties’ use of gerrymandering?

READ THE INSTRUCTIONS MOST WRITERS DON’T AND I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY PLEASE READ PLEASE READ ITS A DISCUSSION 1. For a background to gerrymandering, reference course materials and watch this video that presents an overview on how legislators stay in power as a result of legislative redistricting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s6erd5MbEY 2. Next, go to the Texas Tribune […]

Explain and critically respond to Arendt’s argument in On Revolution.

Answer two out of the four questions. Your exam should be 10+ pages and include extensive textual evidence. Quotes should be appropriately cited and unpacked. Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt. Explain the influence of Puritan […]

Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt.

Answer two out of the four questions. Your exam should be 10+ pages and include extensive textual evidence. Quotes should be appropriately cited and unpacked. Explain the difference between liberalism and republicanism and the difference between left (democratic) and right (conservative) versions of republicanism using Harrington, Montesquieu, Locke, and Arendt. Explain the influence of Puritan […]

Does the US derive any benefits from remaining a member of the UN-Is the UN useless as your unclear claims?

Task: Imagine the following hypothetical scenario: you join your family around the table for a large dinner over the Thanksgiving holiday. After eating several helpings of sweet potatoes, your uncle turns to you and says: what good is the United Nations if it can’t prevent a country like Russia from invading a country like Ukraine? […]