How Indigenous-Black/African American communities have been affected by the historical lack of access to land control/ownership

The two groups that have the longest history of racial discrimination in the United States are Indigenous people and Black people/African-Americans. Both groups have been denied the right to own/control the land that they lived on over the course of US history and both groups continue to struggle with the issue of land ownership and […]

Briefly state which political concept you focus on in your essay-which scholars’ definitions you will discuss.

Choose a political concept, and discuss the various definitions of that concept by different scholars. Your essay should be no more than 1,200 words, which is approximately four double-spaced pages. Below, is provide the structure for the essay, depending on the topic you choose. The word count for each part is not strict but rather […]

What is identity politics-Where does the term originate-how do you understand contemporary arguments about identity politics?

Choose 2 prompt and write. (democracy, international relationship) This writing is meant to assess your knowledge and understanding of the material covered the second half of the course. Choose two of the prompts below to respond to. Make sure to answer each sub-question. Your answers to these prompts should be written as short essays with […]

What are some of the benefits-advantages-criticisms of the Electoral College in a democratic system?

Choose ONE question from the following: Describe state electoral laws including registration requirements, formal barriers, voting registration and reforms. Why is voter turnout so low in the U.S.? What are the consequences of low voter turnout? Discuss the political issues surrounding campaign funds. Be sure to include sources of funding, (ie. SuperPacs, 527 committees etc.), […]

What are the core beliefs of elite theory that represent the larger consensus of American culture?

Elite Theory Read the elite theory essay. Respond to the following points: How would you summarize the key ideas of elite theory? What are the core beliefs of elite theory that represent the larger consensus of American culture? How do elite theorists view the election system in America? Do elites encourage widescale public discussion? What […]

Describe how you would address the opponent to your position-Be specific-provide examples.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Legislation Grid; 1-page Legislation Testimony/Advocacy Statement) Be sure to add a title page, an introduction, purpose statement, and a conclusion. This is an APA paper. Part 1: Legislation Grid Based on the health-related bill (proposed, not enacted) you selected, complete the Legislation Grid Template. Be sure to address the following: […]

How have these factors influenced the development of environmental policy in Canada-at the global level?

Politics & Governance The evolution of environmental policy in Canada and at the global level demonstrates the extent to which the policy process has been influenced by a series of economic, regional, international, societal and political factors. The impact of these factors can be observed in the various policies and agreements that have emerged from […]

Explain the geo-political implications of Iran’s nuclear research-What are the regional implications of Iran becoming a nuclear power?

Answer the following question in about 5 double spaced pages in the exam booklet provided. The international community has expressed grave concerns over Iran’sactions in enriching uranium. Iran has claimed the uranium enrichment process is simply for domestic, nuclear power plant usage, and they are within their rights under the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty. Many suspect […]

What are the issues at stake-What recommendations can you make in these areas-What principles should be applied to address the problem(s)?

Question and answer for my course Question 1 1. Describe the knowledge structure. In your answer, define the knowledge structure, drawing on the theoretical framework used and developed in class, and refer to all of the main books covered in this course (for the weeks where we relied on journal articles or other documents, your […]