Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time?

Marxism and Marxian Theories: Was Marx’s analysis of global politics simply ahead of its time? Essays will be assessed with reference to these overall criteria: 1. The extent to which an argument has been provided in response to the question 2. The extent to which the argument is well supported with accurate and insightful use […]

Does a country’s level of cultural development explain its level of democracy?

Do cultural values best explain a country’s level of democracy? Write a reasoned conclusion to your research question, given the analysis that you have just completed. Does a country’s level of cultural development explain its level of democracy? Does its economic development serve as a better explanation? Why or why not? What other variables should […]

Do the characters fall into a state of nature or resist a State of Nature in their goal to achieve Felicity?

Hobbes theory of a State of Nature Drawing upon (course notes and reading) on Hobbes’ theory of a State of Nature discuss how a “war of all against all” ensues between different character’s in the story of your film choice, in the goal to achieve Felicity (whichever aspect/s of felicity this may be e.g. power, […]

What individuals, groups,-organizations does it involve? What is your second action?

The President and Crisis Management Today is your presidential Inauguration Day. You were elected as president last November by a slim margin in both the popular vote and the electoral vote. You attended a worship service this morning with your family and about a dozen high-ranking members of the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate. […]

Describe the statistical methods used for analysis across the articles.

Immigration Literature Review The article summaries were about summarizing each article individually. A literature review organizes and analyzes multiple sources COMARATIVELY. Compare and contrast the research questions in your 5 articles. Compare and contrast the hypotheses being tested across the 5 articles. Compare and contrast the data being examined across the articles. Describe the statistical […]

Identify the main concepts, terms,-approaches of federal primacy, issue centric networks, inter-jurisdictional cooperation, collaboration, IGR accountability, and management roles as a foundation of study

Reflection Paper 1. Identify the main concepts, terms, and approaches of federal primacy, issue centric networks, inter-jurisdictional cooperation, collaboration, IGR accountability, and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze four case studies involving the management of local and community water systems, the safe drinking water act and the […]

What do you think are the greatest strengths-weaknesses of each methodology?

Qualitative versus quantitative methodology An enduring debate exists within the social sciences between proponents of qualitative versus quantitative research methods. Each camp believes its methodology is inherently better at understanding the social and political world. What do you think are the greatest strengths and weaknesses of each methodology? Are there aspects of socio-political reality that […]

What are some functions that are essential to an EOC in your area based on specific threats or challenges your community might face?

What are some functions that are essential to an EOC in your area based on specific threats or challenges your community might face? For example, if you live in a coastal area, your EOC may need to be prepared for hurricanes and mandatory evacuations or if you live in areas prone to wildfires, you might […]

Describe the techniques-standards used by NIST to protect federal networks.

Formulate a discussion forum in APA 7 format using the required reading and any other reliable resources with a minimum of 250 words. Describe the techniques and standards used by NIST to protect federal networks. Evaluate the Enhanced Risk Management Models used by NIS. Provide an overview of the practicality of these models, will they […]